company_name = Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd
_ar. شركة أبوظبي لصناعات الغاز المحدودة
company_type = Joint Venture
company_slogan =
foundation = 1978
location = Abu Dhabi, flagicon|United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
key_people = His Excellency Yousef Omair Bin Yousef - Chairman of GASCO Board and ADNOC CEO
Mohammed Sahoo Al Suwaidi- GM
industry = Gas
products = Natural Gas Liquids (NGL)
revenue =
operating_income =
net_income =
num_employees =
homepage =

Abu Dhabi Gas Industries Ltd (GASCO) is the operating company responsible for the processing of natural and associated gas from onshore oil operations in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, UAE.


* GASCO aspires to be the most innovative and respected supplier of Gas and Hydrocarbons in the U.A.E.
* We are committed to excellence in all we do, caring for our people, our community and our environment.
* We strive to be the employer of first choice.
* Our core business is to continuously generate value through world-class management of our gas plants and distribution network within the hydrocarbon value chain.
* We continuously seek to improve and develop in sustainable ways: we are trustees for future generations.

Ownership and Management

Incorporated in 1978 as a joint venture and being a part of the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), its ownership is shared by ADNOC (68 %), Shell (15%), Total (15%), and Partex (2%).GASCO is an operating company engaged in the extraction of natural gas liquids from associated and natural gas. Associated Gas Plants at Asab, Bab and BuHasa are (called NGL Extraction Plants where as natural gas plants at Habshan and Asab are called Gas Plants. Common to all NGL Extraction and Gas Plants is Ruwais plant for the purpose of NGL treatment, fractionation, storage and shipping. The company is currently managed by Mohammed Sahoo Al Suwaidi.


GASCO was established following the directive of late His Highness Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Abu Dhabi, to utilise Abu Dhabi's significant resources of associated gas which had hitherto been flared during oil production operations prior to its formation. Today, the associated gas is converted into a wide range of marketable products, which are used domestically and exported all over the world.

In April 2001, ATHEER (Abu Dhabi Gas Company) a fully owned ADNOC company was integrated with GASCO. Following this integration GASCO became not only one of the biggest industrial complexes in the UAE but one of the largest gas processing companies in the world, with a process capability in excess of 5300 million standard cubic feet of gas per day (MMscfd), producing 230,000 barrels of condensate, 4700 tonnes of sulphur and over 20,000 tonnes of NGL (Natural Gas Liquids) per day.

GASCO Plants


The first ADNOC gas processing plant at Habshan was built in 1983 at Bab oil and gas field, to process sour gas from Thamama-C reservoir wells. The plant went through several expansion projects (debottlenecking in 1989, followed by OGD-I in 1996; OGD-II in 2001), thereby increasing its gas processing capacity rates to make it one of the largest gas processing plants in the world.

Habshan Plant currently has a total of eight gas processing trains and two gas injection trains with a feed gas capacity of 3,500 million standard cubic feet per day (MMSCFD). The plant produces network gas, natural gas liquids (NGL), condensate and sulphur.

The Bab Plant is located across the road from ADCO Crude Degassing Plant, five kilometres from Habshan plant. This single train NGL extraction plant was started up in 1981; it was de-bottlenecked to increase its capacity up to 150 MMSCFD in 1989. Due to the immediate proximity of the two plants, Habshan and Bab were grouped into one single entity in 2001 for operating the entire Habshan-Bab Gas Complex under a single management.

* Habshan Gas PlantThe original Habshan Gas Plant was built in 1983. After completion of several major development projects (OGD-I in 1996; OGD-II in 2001), the Habshan plant now includes eight gas processing trains with the capacity to process 3.5 BSCFD of non-associated and associated gas.

Part of the gas from the Habshan Plant is delivered to consumers through a gas distribution network covering the entire emirate and extending to Dubai. The uninterrupted supply of network gas is critical for the generation of electricity and for water desalination operations for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi. This is also essential for the supply of gas to many industries in Abu Dhabi, including the TAKREER (Abu Dhabi Refining Company) refineries, the Borouge petrochemical plant and for the FERTIL plant. The constant and reliable supply of gas is also crucial for Dubai (Jebel Ali Power Station). Another major gas utilization is its re-injection into the oil and condensate gas reservoirs for pressure maintenance purposes.

In addition to network gas, the Habshan Plant produces Natural Gas Liquids (NGL), condensate and liquid sulphur. NGL (about 6800 tons per day) is transferred to the GASCO Ruwais plant where it is fractionated into ethane (C2), propane (C3), butane (C4) and pentane plus (C5+) products, while condensate (about 142,000 barrels per day) is piped to the TAKREER refineries. About 4800 tons per day of liquid sulphur isalso produced, as a by-product of the processing of acid l gas. Liquid sulphur is trucked to Ruwais TAKREER facilities, where it is granulated and exported.

Two major developments are in progress at Habshan, planned for completion during early 2008: the OGD-III project will add two condensate gas processing trains of a total capacity of 1.3 BSCFD, while the Habshan Gas Complex Expansion project encompasses additional sulphur processing capacity, and one new versatile associated / non-associated gas processing train of a capacity of 350 MMSCFD. The total Habshan processing capacity will then exceed 5 BSCFD.

* Bab Gas PlantThe Bab Plant, along with the Asab, Bu Hasa and Ruwais Plants, is one of GASCO's original plants. Commissioned in 1981, it has a single NGL extraction train processing 150 MMSCFD of associated gas collected from ADCO's operations in the neighboring oil field.

Unlike other GASCO NGL Extraction Plants at Asab and Bu Hasa, Bab has sour gas treating facilities using Di-Glycol Amine (DGA) solvent and acid gas recovery system. Acid gas is piped to neighboring Habshan Gas Plant for converting in to liquid sulphur. The produced NGL is piped to GASCO Ruwais fractionation plant, while the residual gas is compressed and injected into the network after sweetening.

The Asab and Bab Integrated Control System (ABICS) is an ongoing project which will involve the installation of advanced computerized systems to replace the original pneumatic control systems currently in service at Bab with a target completion by mid 2007.


Bu Hasa was the first GASCO NGL Extraction Plant to be commissioned in 1981. It processes associated gas from the neighboring Bu Hasa oil field in the central desert (50 Kilometers from Habshan – Bab Gas Complex and 175 KM from Abu Dhabi city).

After compression, the two parallel gas processing trains (total capacity of 540 MMSCFD) refrigerate the gas to a temperature as low as –87 deg C to ensure a high propane recovery (above 99%).

The Bu Hasa NGL extraction plant has two trains with a total processing capacity of 540 MMSCFD. It receives associated gas from the neighbouring Bu Hasa oil field operated by ADCO. It extracts NGL from rich sour gas and sends lean gas to ADCO gas injection compressor and balance in to pipeline-network.

The original Habshan Gas Plant was built in 1983. After completion of several major development projects (OGD-I in 1996; OGD-II in 2001), the Habshan plant now includes eight gas processing trains with the capacity to process 3.5 BSCFD of non-associated and associated gas.

The extracted NGL is transported to Ruwais along with NGL from the other sites to the GASCO NGL fractionation plant, to produce C2 (Ethane), C3 (Propane), C4 (Butane) and C5+ (Pentane plus).

Currently, the Bu Hasa Upgrading Project (HUP) is in progress to revamp the associated feed gas gathering and handling facilities. Studies are also in progress to restore the plant processing capacity to 600 MMSCFD while maintaining a very high NGL recovery. A 50 km pipeline has been planned to transport the excess High Pressure associated gas expected in the future, to the Habshan – Bab Gas Complex where it would get processed.

Early 2005, the Bu Hasa Integrated Control System project (HICS) was completed, through which the control room was converted from its existing pneumatic control system to modern, more efficient digital technology, without interruption of the production.


The Ruwais Fractionation Plant is an integral and major part of the Ruwais Industrial Complex and plays a very important part in the Abu Dhabi Onshore Hydrocarbon Chain. The Ruwais Plant receives its feedstock from GASCO’s NGL extraction plants, at Asab, Bu Hasa, Habshan and Bab, as well as from the neighbouring TAKREER (Abu Dhabi Refinery Company) refinery. The plant, which can process 23,370 tonnes per day ( 7.8 million tonnes per year) of NGL , has two parallel fractionation trains, storage facilities and a loading jetty to export propane, butane and Paraffinic Naphtha.

The NGL feed is fractionated into four products: ethane (C2), propane (C3), butane (C4) and Paraffinic Naphtha. Ethane is exported to the neighbouring petrochemical plant of Borouge for the production of ethylene. The other three marketable products are stored at Ruwais before transfer via the Gasco Ruwais jetty to gas carriers or via the refinery jetty to pentane tankers and shipped to markets worldwide.

In January 2004, Ruwais achieved the milestone of 3,000 ships with more than 90 million tonnes of marketable product loaded for export from since the Ruwais plant started up in 1981.

The major developments undertaken at Habshan and Asab (OGD-III and AGD-II projects) will lead to a dramatic increase of the NGL quantities to be processed at Ruwais. To cater for these additional requirements, a 3rd NGL fractionation train with a capacity of 24,400 tonnes per day is planned for start-up 1Q 2008, thus doubling the Ruwais plant capacity.


The Asab Natural Gas Liquid (NGL) and AGP Plants are located next to one of the richest oil fields in the country, 190 km south of the City of Abu Dhabi.The Asab NGL extraction plant has been in operation since its start-up in 1981.

It receives the associated gas (capacity 306 MMSCFD, Single Train) coming from the adjacent oil producing company (ADCO). After being compressed, the feed gas is cooled down to -80 deg. C in order to ensure a high NGL recovery. The NGL is shipped to Gasco Ruwais plant, where it is fractionated into C2 (Ethane), C3 (Propane), C4 (Butane) and C5+ (Pentane plus products). The residual gas is compressed and sent to the ADNOC gas networks.

A project of installation of a state of the art digital control system is currently in progress to replace the current control system as part of (Asab & Bab Integrated Control Systems, ABICS project).

The Asab Gas Plant (AGP) started in 2001 to process condensate rich gas from Thammama F/G reservoirs. It encompasses two parallel processing trains, with a total capacity of 825 MMSCFD. Condensate is extracted from the feed-gas at a rate of about 80,000 bpd; after stabilization, and then transferred to TAKREER Ruwais oil refinery at a distance of 215 km. Residual gas is re-injected into the reservoir for pressure maintenance purposes (Gas cycling).

The AGD-II project currently under implementation by GASCO will add gas treatment and NGL extraction units to the existing condensate recovery facilities. It is planned to go on stream in 2008.

Main Operations

The gas processing and natural gas liquid (NGL) extraction operations take place at four desert plants: Asab, Bab, Bu Hasa and Habshan. The processed products are then transferred to GASCO's Ruwais Fractionation Plant (NGL), to other plants (Condensate and Sulphur to TAKREER - Ruwais and Raw Ethane to Borouge) and Gas to industrial customers including Dubai through a widely spread network of pipelines (48 numbers with total length of over 2300 kilometer).

GASCO's four desert plants process and deliver a range of gas products into the UAE's gas distribution network and to the Ruwais Plant. These products consist mainly of methane (C1), ethane (C2), propane (C3), butane (C4), pentane plus (C5 plus), liquid sulphur and condensate. Sulphur is a by-product from the acid gas produced GASCO in sweetening operation of gas.

Projects Group

Projects Group is in charge of the execution and management of all projects of GASCO. It is an integrated team, which provides the entire range of services including Project Management, Project Engineering, Project Controls, Contracting & Procurement, Quality Assurance and HSE for all the projects, right from Conceptual stage up to Commissioning/Startup.

All projects progress through three distinct stages of implementation. During the initial stage of the project, techno-economic feasibility study is carried out to determine the fundamental aspects of the project. This is followed by the Front-End Engineering Design (FEED) stage to evaluate the technical options, perform the basic design, define fully project scope and verify economics before seeking competitive tenders for the execution phase. The third stage is the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) stage, before commissioning and handover of the installations to Operations.

Over the recent years several major projects have been completed by GASCO. These include Ruwais Digital Control System (2001), Asab Gas Development Phase I (2001 2000), Ruwais Upgrading Project including Digital Control System (2001), Maqta-Jabel Ali Gas pipeline project (2002), Onshore Gas Development Phase II (2002), Bu Hhasa Integrated Control System (2005), and Habshan Ethane Recovery Maximization (2005).

Onshore Gas Development Phase III (OGD - III):

OGD-III Project is designed to process 1,306 MMSCFD of condensate rich gas (Thamama "F") at Habshan and to produce 11,800 TPD NGL (including 3,400 TPD Ethane) and 130,000 BPD Condensate. Residue gas will be re-injected back into the reservoir for pressure maintenance purposes (gas cycling).

Main facilities include two (2) trains each of Inlet Separation, Condensate Stabilization, Gas Treatment and NGL Recovery units. The project also includes installation of a Gas Re-injection System and a separate NGL Pipeline from Habshan to Ruwais, apart from various Utilities and Offsite facilities.

EPC Contract for OGD III Project was awarded to M/S Bechtel (UK) in Dec" 2004 with a completion period of 40 months. Accordingly, EPC implementation of OGD-III project is slated for completion by April 2008.

Ruwais 3rd NGL Train:

The 3rd NGL Train at Ruwais is designed to process additional 24,400 TPD of NGL produced from OGD-III, AGD-II and other projects and to produce about 6,400 TPD of Raw Ethane for transfer to the petrochemical plant at Ruwais (Borouge), 6,000 TPD each of Propane and Butane and 5,800 TPD of Pentane plus products.

The project essentially comprises of a new NGL Fractionation Train and new Storage Tanks for Propane, Butane and Pentane plus. The project will also include construction of new Jetty facilities, apart from various Utilities and Offsites.

EPC Contract for the project was awarded to M/S Snamprogetti (Italy) in March 2005 with a completion period of 38 months. Accordingly, EPC implementation of Ruwais 3rd Train project is slated for completion by May 2008.

Asab Gas Development - Phase II ( AGD-II):

AGD-II Project is designed to recover 6,400 TPD of NGL from the sour condensate rich gas from the existing Asab Gas Plant (AGP). Residue gas will be re-injected back into the reservoir for pressure maintenance purposes (gas cycling).

Main facilities include two (2) trains each of Gas Treatment and NGL Recovery Units, apart from a new NGL pipeline from Asab to Habshan and the required Utilities and Offsite facilities.

EPC contract was awarded to M/S Bechtel (USA) in July 2005 with a completion period of 36 months. Accordingly, EPC implementation of AGD-II Project is slated for completion by September 2008.

Habshan Gas Complex Expansion (HGCE):

The project scope involves installation of additional gas processing facilities at Habshan to process additional associated gas produced by ADCO through their 1.4 MBOPD crude oil expansion projects at Bab and Buhasa and to introduce operational flexibility between Bu Hasa and Habshan.

The project scope also includes installation of Acid Gas Enrichment Unit (AGEU) for processing acid gas from OGD-III facilities as well as installation of two (2) additional Sulphur Recovery Units (SRU).

EPC Contract was awarded to M/S Fluor (UK) in October 2005 with a completion period of 32 months. Accordingly, EPC implementation of HGCE Project is slated for completion by June 2008.

Offshore Associated Gas Project (OAG):

The project envisages transporting the excess offshore associated from Das Island through a 200 KM long 30" offshore / onshore pipeline and to process it at Habshan. It will establish a strategic link between the offshore and onshore facilities.

FEED study for the project was completed by M/S Fluor (UK) in January 2006. The Project is being implemented through three (3) separate EPC Packages as under:

* Package-1: Das Island Facilities (EPC Implementation by ADGAS)
* Package-2: Offshore Pipeline (EPC Implementation by GASCO)
* Package-3: Habshan Facilities & Onshore pipeline (EPC Implementation by GASCO)
* EPC Contract for Package-3 was awarded to M/S NPCC in September 2006 with completion by March 2009. EPC Tendering activities are in progress for Package -1 and Package -2.

Other Projects in Progress

* GASCO Master Plan (Pre-FEED)
* Integrated Gas Development (Pre-FEED)
* Buhasa Upgrade Project (EPC)
* Asab & Bab Integrated Control System (EPC)
* Buhasa-Habshan Gas Pipeline (EPC)
* Gas Supply to Al Ain Air College (EPC)
* Replacement of NGL Pipelines (FEED)
* New Lean Gas Station - Bu Hasa (FEED)
* Non-Process Buildings (Habshan)

Health, Safety and Environment (HSE)


The GASCO HSE Management System (HSE MS), GASCO Vision Statement and the GASCO HSE Policy provide the framework for the implementation of all HSE activities in GASCO.

The GASCO HSE Policy enshrines strategic HSE Objectives of:

The HSE Policy is given effect through a documented HSE MS. GASCO HSE MS is implemented systematically through an HSE Action Planning process. All GASCO Divisions develop Annual HSE Action plans for implementing various HSE actions. These actions are translated into tasks and targets and are cascaded down the organization. Routine review and monitoring helps to keep this process realistic.

To assure us that the HSE MS is effective and functioning, GASCO has an HSE Auditing programme in place comprising of different levels of audits. The remedial actions that result from the audits are tracked to final completion through a closeout process.

Thus you will notice that in GASCO, HSE is recognized as a line responsibility and HSE issues are implemented through the involvement of all staff - right from the General Manager to the lowest staff.

Gasco HSE Management System (HSE MS)

GASCO has established an HSE Management System (HSE MS), based on stringent guidelines issued by ADNOC (Abu Dhabi National Oil Company). It is a risk-based system and includes a comprehensive range of mandatory requirements to provide a framework for self-regulation and continuous improvement in performance. As part of the process, GASCO has published a statement of the Company’s Commitment to Health, Safety and the Environment and the Company’s HSE Policy.

The HSE Division with the Division Manager reporting directly to the General Manager provides support to the Management Team for the management of HSE. Each of the Plants / Pipelines Division are supported by HSE Departments headed by a HSE Superintendent who also reports directly to the Plant / Pipelines Division Manager.

GASCO has also developed a Vision Statement, the HSE aspects of which have been translated into three strategic objectives:

These objectives are being pursued through the application of GASCO’s HSE MS.

A framework has also been developed for HSE Action Planning. This provides an overview of what has already been achieved and what future action is required to increase the effectiveness of the GASCO HSE MS. This framework translates into an annual GASCO HSE Action Plan.

The GASCO HSE Action Plan provides the foundation for the production of annual HSE Action Plans in each of the GASCO Divisions. An important feature of the Divisional Action Plans is that they contain action items that are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-bound), with each action item being assigned to an individual or team.

Through this structured approach, the efforts of individuals are directed towards realizing the GASCO Vision. Progress of the Action Plans is monitored through formal management reviews, at both corporate and Division levels. This process involves the three key stages of a Plan-Do-Check management system, with the added advantage of staff participation at all levels of the organization.


The identification of health hazards and the assessment of associated risks are an integral part of the GASCO HSE MS. This approach is also applied in the field of occupational health, where high noise levels, heat stress and potential contact with hazardous chemicals may exist in the work place. By identifying the risks posed by such hazards, suitable controls are established in order to minimize any possible impact.

Examples can be found in the elimination of hazardous chemicals at Habshan and improvements in Asab, Bab, Bu Hasa and Ruwais.

Standards of food preparation have also been enhanced with new catering facilities at Buhasa and Ruwais, and ADNOC hygiene inspectors have been carrying out regular visists to contractor’s camps and food preparation areas to ensure that GASCO’s HSE policies are being followed to the letter. Action is on hand for implementing HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Points Control) programme in the catering facilities.

Health awareness programmes have been established at Head Office and at field sites, during which employees have had the opportunity to discuss various aspects of their lifestyles which may be causing concern. A series of lectures has also been given staff practical information on ways to improve their health.


In recent years there has been a welcome reduction in injurie that have resulted in Lost Time Injury (LTI).

Increasingly, GASCO is moving towards a more proactive safety performance, with staff reporting on and investigating near miss and potential incidents (unsafe acts / conditions). Any such incidents are promptly investigated and remedial action is taken to eliminate the causes before injuries can occur. In 2004, a web-based electronic system of reporting incidents was implemented. This system has provided transparency in the incident reporting as well as made the incident reports available online for all employees to view them and learn lessons.

In 2005, GASCO has started reviewing and restructuring its emergency preparedness based on the internationally accepted Incident Command System Model. This will improve the effectiveness in responding to and controlling emergencies and improve / standardize the mutual aid system among the ADNOC Group of companies.

Recognizing that safety is an attitude and not just a work related issue; GASCO published a booklet “Take Care of Safety in your Home” for the benefit of staff and their families. Through this effort GASCO strives to motivate the family members of the staff to develop safety attitudes and thus make safety a way of life in GASCO.


GASCO is committed to protecting the environment, and has strived to reduce any adverse environmental impact of its operations.

The volume of gas flared by GASCO has been reduced by 73% since 1998, when 25.5 million standard cubic feet of gas per day (mmscfd) was flared. By 2000, the figure for flaring had been reduced to 18.2 mmscfd. This was mainly due to the Bab Cover Gas Automation and operational changes at Ruwais. By the beginning of 2003, the figure for flaring had fallen to 8.2 mmscfd, as a result of the Ruwais Upgrading Project.

GASCO continued its efforts to reduce gas flaring with the introduction flare seal project at Asab in 2003 and the flaring in 2003 was 8.0 mmscfd. Introduction of similar work in other sites is in progress and the flaring in 2004 was 6.9 mmscfd.sites is in progress and the flaring in 2004 was 6.9 mmscfd.

Concerns about soil and ground water pollution have led to a major exercise of drilling deep disposal wells at Buhasa and Asab to dispose off high salinity and waste water streams. Ground water monitoring has continued at Asab, Bab and Bu Hasa and a project is being developed for the Buhasa site to remove hydrocarbon contaminants from the desert.

In 2001, work began to identify ways to reduce emissions to the atmosphere. Habshan Plant staff currently monitor the sulphurdioxide level in ambient air on site and at the town of Beda Zayed, 25kilometres from Habshan. Results show that the levels of SO2 are well within the World Health Organisation limits. GASCO is also participating in the ADNOC real-time air emission monitoring projects. The aim of this project is to obtain air data from sites on a regular basis and to compare this data with air quality objectives.

Halon causes damage to the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere and GASCO has phased out its use as a fire-extinguishing medium at Asab, Bab Buhasa and Ruwais. Halon was removed to the ADNOC recovery facility in Mussafah and was replaced with Inergen an environmentally friendly product. Similar work is in progress for Habshan.

Asset Integrity

In order to improve asset integrity, the GASCO plants have generated a “register of threats” (i.e. those events that could release a hazard and have an HSE impact) and have assessed each threat on a Risk Assessment Matrix. Remedial action plans have been developed to addresss the issues raised. HAZOP studies are also underway to identify the process risks and reduce them to a level that is as low as reasonably practicable (ALARP).

In 2004, GASCO has developed and published a Asset Integrity Policy and further work for implementing it through an Asset Integrity Management System (AIMS) is underway.

Gasco 21

GASCO 21 is a company-wide initiative to promote “performance centered” change and increase organizational capabilities.

Facts about Gasco 21:

* GASCO 21 is a journey NOT a project
* Involves continual improvements NOT just a one-time fix
* Involves all GASCO staff NOT just direct employees
* Requires the support of all personnel NOT just managers
* Improves the working environment
* Supports change within the Company
* Creates awareness, interest and openness in the Company
* Renews peoples’ faith in GASCO and it’s Leaders
* It is about solving Company problems AND NOT focusing on issues that should be handled through other means

How does Gasco 21 work?

* Aligning work efforts with company objectives
* Improving Business Processes & Procedures
* Building commitment & ownership at all levels
* Improving efficiency between divisions & depts.
* Managing, monitoring & measuring performance
* Improving leadership & teamwork capabilities

Benefits of GASCO 21

* Encourage Innovation
* Enhance Corporate Culture
* Promote Teamwork
* Increase Transparency / Openness
* Transform from “Reactive” to “Proactive” Company
* Pride in Working for a “Great Company”
* Workforce & Management should “Walk-the-Talk”


* Shaikh Khalifa Excellence Award for 2007 [ [ Offical Site News] ]
* Winner in HSE Performance for the ADNOC 2007 HSE Awards [ [ Offical Site News] ]
* Winner in HSE Innovation for the ADNOC 2007 HSE Awards [ [ Offical Site News] ]
* Special Recognition Award in the ADNOC 2007 HSE Awards [ [ Offical Site News] ]

See Also

* Borouge
* Shell
* Total
* Partex


External links

* [ Official Website]

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