A Veiga

A Veiga

A Veiga (Castilian: La Vega) is a municipality ("concello") in the south-east of the province of Ourense in the autonomous community of Galicia, Spain. At 291 km², it is one of the largest concellos in the province. The capital is the town of A Veiga, which is located 150 km from Orense. The municipality has a population of 1,273 (2005), and a relatively low and decreasing population density (4.37 people/km²).

It is a mountainous area, including the Peña Trevinca, the tallest peak in Galicia at 2124 m. There are 29 "parroquias" (parishes).

The Prada Reservoir ("encoro de Prada") lies in the province. It takes water from the river Xares, a tributary to the river Bibey. The dam was constructed in 1958 and submerged the town of Alberguería on May 9, 1959.


*A Veiga (Santa María)
*Baños (San Félix)
*Candeda (San Miguel)
*Carracedo (San Miguel)
*Casdenodres (San Salvador)
*Castromao (Santa María)
*Castromarigo (San Miguel)
*Corexido (San Esteban)
*Corzos (Santiago)
*Curra (San Miguel)
*Edreira (Santa Columba)
*Espiño (San Vicente)
*Lamalonga (Santa María)
*Meda (Santa María)
*Meixide (Santa María)
*Ponte (Santa María Magdalena)
*Prada (San Andrés). Web [http://prada.magix.net/website/] & Photos [http://prada-fotos.magix.net/]
*Prado (San Esteban)
*Pradolongo (San Pedro)
*Requeixo (San Andrés)
*Riomao (Santo Tomás)
*San Fiz (Santa Catalina)
*San Lorenzo (San Lorenzo)
*Santa Cristina (San Tirso)
*Seoane (San Juan)
*Valdín (Santa María)
*Vilaboa (Santa Lucía)
*Vilanova (San Pedro)
*Xares (Santa María).

There were previously two more, which have since disappeared.

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