

Infobox Ort in Deutschland
Art = Stadt
image_photo =
Wappen = Wappen Loebejuen.pnglat_deg = 51 |lat_min = 38 |lat_sec = 0
lon_deg = 11 |lon_min = 54 |lon_sec = 0
Lageplan = Löbejün in SK.pngBundesland = Sachsen-Anhalt
Landkreis = Saalekreis
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft = Saalkreis Nord
Höhe = 161
Fläche = 20.52
Einwohner = 2287
Stand = 2006-12-31
PLZ = 06193
Vorwahl = 034603
Kfz = SK
Gemeindeschlüssel = 15 0 88 215
Gliederung = 3
Straße = Markt 1
Website = [http://www.stadt-loebejuen.de www.stadt-loebejuen.de]
Bürgermeister = Thomas Madl
Partei = CDU

Löbejün is a town in the area surrounding Halle an der Saale Saalekreis in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.


Geographic location

Löbejün is located 15 km north of Halle (Saale). The city is located in a mountainous area in which a tributary to the Saale River, the Fuhne, flows.


The city is known for its "Löbejüner porphyry". In the northeastern part of the city coal beds are found.

City classification

The following towns are classified as part of the city of Löbejün:


The city was first recognized in 961 as "Liubichun".

Population development

¹ Source: Erich Keyser (Hrsg.): "Deutsches Städtebuch - Handbuch städtischer Geschichte", Band 2, 1941
² Source: Statistisches Landesamt Sachsen-Anhalt

Industrial development

Since 1518 (when the quarry was first mentioned) porphyry was processed. In circa 1622 the coal mine was founded. The coal mine reached peak production in 18th century, when it had 27 mine shafts. It closed in 1884.


Löbejün is the administrative centre of the administrative district of the northern Saalkreis (area surrounding the Saale River), Saalkreis Nord.


The mayor, Thomas Madl, (CDU) was re-elected on the 20. January 2002.

City emblem

The city shield consists of a green background with two silver key with their teeth pointed outwards. Four roses (the upper and lower, silver, and the ones on the side, red) are also found on the shield.

Partner cities

*Schifferstadt (since 2002)

Culture and monuments


*Heimatmuseum im "Halleschen Tor"


The "Internationale Carl-Loewe-Gesellschaft e. V." (International Carl Loewe Society) holds concerts and events related to the composer Carl Loewe.

Economy and infrastructure

Long-time companies present in Löbejün

In Löbejün porphyry is removed from the ground. Often used as fill in building roads, it is also used in home construction and also in the city wall, the "Hallesche Tor" and other buildings in the city.

Famous people

The composer Carl Loewe was born on 30 November 1796 in Löbejün. The birthplace of Loewe was torn down in 1886. In the place of the house, near the Church of St. Petri, the "Alte Schule" (the old school) (today: "Carl Loewe-Haus") was built.


*Siegmar von Schultze-Galléra: "Wanderungen durch den Saalkreis" (Journeys through the region surrounding Halle), Halle 1921

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