

Thorkel or Thorkell is an Old Norse masculine personal name. Among the more famous holders of the name are:

*Thorkel of Namdalen, ninth-century jarl and father of Ketil Trout.
*Thorkel Sursson, tenth-century Icelander and character in the "Gísla saga".
*Thorkell Eyjolfsson, Icelandic godi of the late tenth and early eleventh century, husband of Guðrún Ósvífursdóttir and stepfather of Bolli Bollason.
*Thorkell the Tall, eleventh-century Jomsviking leader and jarl.
*Thorkell Leifsson, Greenlandic godi of the eleventh century and son of explorer Leif Eriksson.
*Thorkel Fostri ("Foster-father Thorkel"), foster father of Thorfinn Sigurdsson, Jarl of Orkney c. 1020-1064.

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