Karl Kristian Steincke

Karl Kristian Steincke

Karl Kristian Vilhelm Steincke (25 August 18808 August 1963), was a Danish politician. He was Justice Minister of Denmark from 1924 to 1926 in the Cabinet of Stauning I, Social Minister from 1929 to 1935 in the Cabinet of Stauning II, and Justice Minister from 1935 to 1939 in the Cabinet of Stauning III and in 1950 in the Cabinets of Hedtoft I and II. [cite book|last=Skou|first=Kaare R.|title=Dansk politik A-Å|year=2005|publisher=Aschehoug|language=Danish|isbn=87-11-11652-8|pages=pp. 640-1] He has been cited as the chief architect of the Danish welfare state with the Social Reform Acts of the early 1930's. [cite book|last=Paul|first=Diane|title=Controlling Human Heredity|year=|publisher=|language=English|isbn=|pages=pp. 88-9]


Steincke is especially known for his book "The Future's Social Welfare" ( _da. Fremtidens forsørgelsesvæsen) from 1920 in which he foretells:

"We treat the nonentity with all kind of care and love, but forbid him, in return, only to reproduce himself."

His book was the basis of the Danish laws about Eugenics, the sterilization and castration of unwanted elements. Steincke regarded the prevention of "non-entities" reproducing as important for society and for the "non-entity's" children. His promotion of eugenics is a classic example of the breadth of opinion regarding the practice, showing that not only conservatives, but also social-progressives were attracted to measures of "racial betterment."


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