
* April - First Barons' War: Prince Louis of France, the future King Louis VIII, invades England.
* April 22 - Battle of Lipitsa: Mstislav the Daring and Konstantin of Rostov defeat their rivals for the rule of the Principality of Vladimir-Suzdal.
* July 24 - Pope Honorius III succeeds Pope Innocent III as the 177th pope.
* October 19 - Henry III becomes King of England.
* Dresden, Germany becomes a city.
* Pope Honorius III officially approves the Order of Preachers (the Dominican Order).
* Ballintubber Abbey is founded by King Cathal Crovdearg O'Connor of Connaught in Ireland.


* Robert I of Artois
* Eric IV of Denmark (d. 1250)
* Zahed Gilani, Grand master of the Zahediyeh Sufi Order (d. 1301)


* June 11 - Henry of Flanders, emperor of the Latin Empire (poisoned) (b. c. 1174)
* July 16 - Pope Innocent III
* October 18 - John of England (b. 1166)
* Ida, Countess of Boulogne
* Eric X of Sweden (b. 1180)
* Kamo no Chōmei, Japanese author (b. 1155)

Heads of state

*England — John, King of England (reigned from 1199 to 1216)
*France — Philippe II, Auguste King of France (reigned from 1180 to 1223)
*Mongolia — Genghis Khan
*Scotland — Alexander II King of Scotland (reigned from 1214 to 1249)

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