Year 1325 was a common year starting on Tuesday (link will display the full calendar) of the Julian calendar.

Events of 1325

* January 7 - Alfonso IV becomes King of Portugal.
* March 18 - Recognized date for the founding of Tenochtitlan on a small island in Lake Texcoco by the Mexica empire at the dawn of the day. The Aztec capital becomes Mexico City in 1521.
* November 15 - Battle of Zappolino: Modena defeats Bologna.
* Muhammad bin Tughluq succeeds his father Ghiyath al-Din Tughluq as Sultan of Delhi.
* Ibn Battuta begins his travels.
* Mansa Musa completes his pilgrimage to Mecca.


* May 12 - Rupert II, Elector Palatine (d. 1398)
* John Wycliffe, English theologian "(The Morning Star of the Reformation)" (approximate date; d. 1384)
*"date unknown"
**Hafiz al-Iraqi, Islamic scholar (d. 1403)
**Inês de Castro, lover of King Pedro I of Portugal (d. 1355)
**William de Ros, 4th Baron de Ros (d. 1352)
**Matthew Kantakouzenos, Emperor of Byzantium
**Pandolfo II Malatesta, condottiero (d. 1373)
*"probable" - Francesco Landini, Florentine organist and composer (d. 1397)

:"Also see ".


* January 7 - King Dinis of Portugal (b. 1261)
* January 18 - Robert FitzWalter, 1st Baron FitzWalter, English baron (b. 1247)
* April 3 - Nizamuddin Auliya, Sufi saint (b. 1238)
* July 6 - Ismail I, Sultan of Granada (b. 1279) (assassinated)
* November 21 - Yuri of Russia, Prince of Moscow and Vladimir
* December 16 - Charles of Valois, son of Philip III of France (b. 1270)
*"date unknown"
**Amir Khusro, Persian language poet (b. 1253)
**Francis of Mayrone, French philosopher (b. c. 1280)
**Saint Nikodim I, Serbian archbishop
**Thomas de Dundee, Bishop of Ross

:"Also see ".

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