

Taxobox |

image_width = frameless
name = Gasteria
regnum = Plantae
divisio = Magnoliophyta
classis = Liliopsida
ordo = Asparagales
familia = Asphodelaceae
genus = "Gasteria"

"Gasteria" is a genus of succulent plants native to South Africa. Closely-related genera include "Aloe" and "Haworthia". The genus is named for its stomach-shaped flowers and is part of an expanded Asphodelaceae family.


"Gasteria" species should be grown in well-drained, sandy soils. The majority of the species prefer light shade and should be protected from direct sunlight or other extreme conditions. Inorganic pebble mulch can be placed around the plant to prevent weeds from growing. The mulch, along with any other compost or bone meal, should be applied at the beginning of growing season.

Germination usually occurs within 8 days but may take as long as one month depending on the species.

Watering should occur frequently in the spring, summer, and autumn, but should not overwhelm the plant. It is suggested to suspend watering the Gasteria in the winter.

If the situation applies, one should re-pot the Gasteria every 3 to 4 years.

pecies and Varieties

*"Gasteria acinacifolia"
*"Gasteria armstrongii"
*"Gasteria batesiana" var. "batesiana"
*"Gasteria batesiana" var. "dolomitica"
*"Gasteria baylissiana"
*"Gasteria bicolor" var. "bicolor"
*"Gasteria bicolor" var. "liliputana"
*"Gasteria brachyphylla" var. "bayeri"
*"Gasteria brachyphylla" var. "brachyphylla"
*"Gasteria carinata" var. "carinata"
*"Gasteria carinata" var. "glabra"
*"Gasteria carinata" var. "retusa"
*"Gasteria carinata" var. "thunbergii"
*"Gasteria carinata" var. "verrucosa"
*"Gasteria croucheri"
*"Gasteria disticha"
*"Gasteria dorineae"
*"Gasteria ellaphieae"
*"Gasteria excelsa"
*"Gasteria glauca"
*"Gasteria glomerata"
*"Gasteria nitida"
*"Gasteria pendulifolia"
*"Gasteria pillansii" var. "ernesti-ruschii"
*"Gasteria pillansii" var. "pillansii"
*"Gasteria polita"
*"Gasteria pulchra"
*"Gasteria rawlinsonii"
*"Gasteria tukhelensis"
*"Gasteria vlokii"

External links

* [ Webshots - Images of Gasteria]
* [ The Encyclopedia of House Plants - Gasteria]
* [ Gasteria]

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