- Pavel Eisner
Pavel Eisner "(
1889 -1958 )", Czech-German linguist and translator; author of many studies about Czech language.
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
Pavel Eisner "(
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.
EISNER, PAVEL — (Paul; 1889–1958), bilingual Czech German writer, translator, and literary critic. His literary work made him a bridge builder between Czech and German cultural circles in Czechoslovakia. Born in Prague, Eisner studied Slavic philology at the… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
CZECHOSLOVAK LITERATURE — By force of historic circumstances, Jews in the Czech lands – Bohemia and Moravia – before World War I tended on the whole to identify themselves with the culture of the ruling Austrians, while Jews in Slovakia mostly absorbed Hungarian culture.… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Theodor Veidl — (* 28. Februar 1885 in Wissotschan bei Saaz, Böhmen; † 18. Februar 1946 im Internierungslager Terezín) war ein deutschböhmischer Komponist und Musikwissenschaftler. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben 2 Werk 3 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Veidl — Theodor Veidl (* 28. Februar 1885 in Wissotschan (Vysočany) bei Saaz (Zatec) (Böhmen); † 18. Februar 1946 im tschechoslowakischen Konzentrationslager für Deutsche in Terezín (Theresienstadt)) war ein böhmisch deutscher Komponist und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Otokar Fischer — Otokar Fischer, cartoon by Hugo Boettinger, 1917 Otokar Fischer (20 May 1883 – 12 March 1938) was a Czech translator, playwright, poet and critic. He was born in Kolín, Czech Republic. He made new translations of Goethe, Shakespeare and Villon.… … Wikipedia
Jan Eskymo Welzl — Jan Welzl (15 August 1868, Zábřeh 19 September 1948 Dawson, Canada) was a Czech traveller, adventurer, hunter, gold digger, Eskimo chief and Chief Justice in New Siberia and later story teller and writer. He is known under the pseudonym Eskymo… … Wikipedia
Otokar Fischer — Otokar Fischer, dessin d Hugo Boettinger, 1917 Otokar Fischer, né le 20 mai 1883 à Kolín et mort le 12 mars 1938 à Prague est un traducteur, dramaturge, poète et critique littéraire tchèque. Biographie … Wikipédia en Français
CZECHOSLOVAKIA — CZECHOSLOVAKIA, republic in Central Europe. Founded in 1918, it united within its political framework the Jewries of the historic countries (bohemia , moravia , and part of silesia ), connected with the hapsburg Empire from 1526 and under its… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion — ( Protocols of the wise men of Zion , Library of Congress s Uniform Title; ru. Протоколы сионских мудрецов , or Сионские протоколы ; see also other titles) is an antisemitic tract alleging a Jewish and Masonic plot to achieve world domination. It … Wikipedia
Liste der Biografien/Wo — Biografien: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q … Deutsch Wikipedia