- Trigonotarbida
Taxobox | fossil_range = late
Silurian –earlyPermian
name = Trigonotarbida
regnum =Animal ia
phylum =Arthropod a
subphylum =Chelicerata
classis =Arachnid a
ordo = Trigonotarbida †
ordo_authority =Petrunkevitch , 1949
subdivision_ranks = Families
subdivision =Anthracomartidae Anthracosironidae Trigonotarbidaincertae Palaeocharinidae Eophrynidae Kreischeriidae Trigonotarbidae Lissomartidae Trigonomartidae The Order Trigonotarbida is an extinct group ofarachnid s whosefossil record extends from theSilurian to the LowerPermian and are known from several localities inEurope andNorth America . They superficially resemblespider s, to which they were clearly related.Both have eight legs and a pair of
pedipalp s. They also have two main body parts (cephalothorax andabdomen ). It was once thought that trigonotarbids lacked the silk-producingspinneret s that have apparently been crucial to the spider'sevolution ary success, though in recent years at least one (unpublished) fossil find seems to show distinctmicrotubercle s on its hind legs, akin to those used by spiders to direct and manipulate their silk.They also have strongly segmented abdomen and hard, chitinous exoskeleton and don't exhibit the constriction that spiders have between the cephalothorax and the
opisthosoma .These early arachnids seem to have been adapted to stalking prey on the ground. They have been found within the very structure of ground-dwelling plants, where they possibly hid to await their prey.
They are characterized by opisthosomal
tergite s divided into median and lateral plates [cite journal |quotes=no |author=Dunlop, J. A. |year=1995 |title=Redescription of the Pennsylvanian trigonotarbid arachnid "Lissomartus" Petrunkevitch 1949 from Mazon Creek, Illinois |journal=The Journal of Arachnology |volume=23 |pages=118–124] . This character is shared withRicinulei [cite journal |quotes=no |author=Dunlop, J. A. |year=1996 |title=Evidence for a sister group relationship between Ricinulei and Trigonotarbida |journal=Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society |volume=10 |pages=193–204] , supporting thesister group relationship between these twotaxa recently reported by cladistic analysis [cite journal |quotes=no |author=Giribet, G., G. D. Edgecombe, W. C. Wheeler & C. Babbitt |year=2002 |title=Phylogeny and systematic position of Opiliones: a combined analysis of chelicerate relationships using morphological and molecular data |journal=Cladistics |volume=18 |pages=5–70] .There is also a proposal that the Trigonotarbida are members of the
Tetrapulmonata [cite journal |quotes=no |author=Shear, W. A., P. A. Selden, W. D. I. Rolfe, P. M. Bonamo & J. D. Grierson |year=1987 |title=New terrestrial arachnids from the Devonian of Gilboa, New York (Arachnida, Trigonotarbida) |journal=American Museum Novitates |volume=2901 |pages=1–74 |url=http://digitallibrary.amnh.org/dspace/handle/2246/5166] .References
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