

NAME = René Georges Hermann-Paul
SHORT DESCRIPTION = French artist and illustrator
DATE OF BIRTH = December 27, 1864
DATE OF DEATH = June 23, 1940
PLACE OF DEATH = Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer
name = René Georges Hermann-Paul

caption = René Georges Hermann-Paul
birthdate = birth date|1864|12|27|mf=y
placeofbirth = Paris
deathdate = death date and age|1940|6|23|1864|12|27|mf=y
placeofdeath= Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer
nationality = flagicon|France France
field = Artist and Illustrator

René Georges Hermann-Paul (December 27, 1864June 23, 1940) was a French artist. He was born in Paris and died in Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer.

Recent efforts to catalog the work of Hermann-Paul reveal an artist of considerable scope. He was a well-known illustrator whose work appeared in numerous newspapers and periodicals. His fine art was displayed in gallery exhibitions alongside Vuillard, Matisse and Toulouse-Lautrec. Early works were noted for their satiric characterizations of the foibles of French society. His points were made with simple caricature. His illustrations relied on blotches of pure black with minimum outline to define his animated marionettes. His exhibition pieces were carried by large splashes of color and those same fine lines of black. Hermann-Paul worked in ripolin, watercolors, woodcuts, lithographs, drypoint engraving, oils, and ink.

On the eve of the First World War, he made quite an impression as part of M. Druet's "First Group." As noted by the Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, the exhibition was "chiefly remarkable for a series of paintings or drawings - it is hard to say which - by M. Hermann-Paul in a new medium which is simply ripolin." [The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs, Vol. 24, No. 129 (Dec., 1913), pp. 172-174] The Great War soon intervened and Hermann-Paul would document its tragedy as well as its foibles. After the war, he underwent several stylistic changes. In his later years, he produced many works in dry point and ink depicting his beloved Camargue.

Early work

Between 1890 and 1914 he worked as a lithographer (both in color and in black and white) and as an illustrator for weekly publications such as "La Faridondaine", "Le Courier Français", "Le Cri de Paris", "Le Figaro", "Le Petit Bleu", "Gil-Blas" and "Le Rire". Despite great elegance and beauty, his work was imbued with social criticism from the start. Although the bourgeoisie received the brunt of his mockery, Hermann-Paul prodded all aspects of Parisian society. He was critical of rich and poor alike. He attacked monarchs, paupers, politicians, clerics and elements of the established order. Peripheral players in the art world received particular attention.

As early as 1895 his famous "Vie de Monsieur Quelconque" and "Vie de Madame Quelconque" poked holes in the established understanding of the typical aspirations of the middle class in matters both public and private. By 1900 most Parisians familiar with the local news weeklies were aware of the artist's work. He was a staunch defender of Captain Alfred Dreyfus, whom he considered an innocent man. The artist's suspicions were substantiated after one of Dreyfus's accusers broke down under interrogation. Hubert-Joseph Henry confessed that the damning documents were actually forged. [cite web|url=http://www.skygaze.com/content/mysteries/AlfredDreyfus.shtml|title=Mysteries & Secrets - Alfred Drefus|publisher=skygaze.com|accessdate=2007-11-16] After Henry slit his throat in prison, Hermann-Paul produced a cartoon in which two people stand over the fresh grave of Major Henry. One says to the other, "This one, at least, won't give us any trouble." "Avec celui-là au moins on est tranquille."

During this time, Hermann-Paul produced work in the "intimiste" style which often depicted bourgeois settings populated by women sipping tea or quietly sewing. The term was coined – derisively, it seems – by Édouard Vuillard who used it to describe his own style. [Laurie Shannon, "The Country of our Friendship": Jewett's Intimist Art, "American Literature", Vol. 71, No. 2, (June 1999), pp 227] Other practitioners include Maurice Lobre, Hughes de Beaumont, Henri Matisse, Rene Prinet and Ernest Laurent. The Intimists first collective exhibition was shown at Henry Grave's galleries in 1905. ["The Burlington Magazine for Connoisseurs", Vol. 7, No. 25. (Apr., 1905)] The exhibition included several works by Hermann-Paul.

The Great War

From the onset of the First World War until its conclusion in 1918, Hermann-Paul depicts the conflict and its atrocities. Early pieces display German crimes of rape and pillage that were not out of line with charges raised by the Belgians during the invasion and subsequent occupation of that country. His later work begins to undermine some notions of patriotism and pacifism. Hermann-Paul depicts Gen. Joseph Joffre in a gallant pose as his men go over the top behind him. Glory awaits the general who stands safely behind the conflict while the violent reality of war greets the soldiers who obey his orders. In July 1915, Hermann-Paul depicts a couple in love as they bask in the sun of a beautiful summer day. The war intrudes. He is wounded and walks with a cane. Many such illustrations were published in "La Victoire" and "La Guerre Sociale". Hermann-Paul created his first woodcuts during this period. They are in both color and black and white.


After the war, woodcuts, both used as fine arts prints and as illustrations for books become his media of predilection. Despite a large number of reproductive illustrations for "Candide", Hermann-Paul became mostly a fine artist after 1920. His inspirations become more literary than journalistic and his style evolved from a belle époque line to a modernist simplification. It is unjust to just list a few publications, as so many of Hermann-Paul's woodcut illustrations from the 1920s and 30s deserve praise, however one should particularly mention "La Génèse" (Léon Pichon, Paris – France, 1921), "Oeuvres de François Villon" (Léon Pichon, Paris – France, 1922), "Douze Dessins pour l’Amour de Goya" (Editions du Balancier, Liege – Belgium, 1932), and "Don Quichotte" (Editions du Balancier, Liege – Belgium, 1932).

Hermann-Paul practiced some painting on canvas, but is certainly not remembered for it. First and foremost his contribution to the art world resides in his daring composition of the 1890s and 1920s in lithography and in woodcut respectively. His many book illustrations, both reproductive and original also deserve much praise, as does his immense production of journalistic satire in the 1890s through the end of the 1910s. The unique works of art that should be remembered are beautiful works on paper: pastels, color drawings, watercolors and preparatory pencil sketches for his publications.


During the 1980s, the Zimmerli Museum at Rutgers acquired no fewer than 150 pieces by the artist. [cite web|url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9A05E7DA173BF936A25751C1A963948260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=print|title= Art View; Lautrec Never Looked Better|publisher=New York Times|accessdate=1985-12-15] They demonstrate a range of expression for which few collectors had previously given him credit. Interest has recently surged since Hermann-Paul’s work was rediscovered by a larger public through the auction of his earlier pieces in October 2000 in Chartres. Many drawings and prints currently on the market bear the stamp of this sale on the verso.


External links

* [http://www.hermannpaul.com Hermann-Paul] - Online Catalogue Raisonné Essay
* [http://www.lesamisdejob.com Les Amis de Job] - Illustrations from Le Rire, l'Assiette au Beurre, Charivari...
* [http://www.assietteaubeurre.com L'Assiette au Beurre] - Illustrations from L'Assiette au Beurre
* [http://www.assietteaubeurre.org L'Assiette au Beurre] - Illustrations from L'Assiette au Beurre
* [http://www.lerire.com Le Rire] - Illustrations from Le Rire
* [http://search.famsf.org:8080/search.shtml?keywords=hermann-paul Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco] Image search for Hermann-Paul

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