

FuturePlay is the international academic conference that focuses on the future of video game design and technology.


Future Play evolved from the former Computer Game Technology (CGT) Conference initiated and run by Algoma University since 2002. The conference is held annually in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Future Play 2008 is hosted by Algoma and UOIT, each year bringing together key players from academics, industry, and government to advance game design and technology.

The conference focuses on three themes:
#Future game development
#Future game impacts and application
#Future game talent.

Future game development addresses academic research and emerging industry trends in the area of game technology and game design. Future game impacts and applications includes academic research and emerging industry trends focused on designing games for learning, for gender, serious purposes, and to impact society. Future game talent is designed to provide a number of industry and academic perspectives on the knowledge, skills, and attitude it takes to succeed in the games industry.

These issues are addressed through keynotes from leaders in academia and industry, peer-reviewed paper sessions, panel sessions, workshops, and exhibitions of posters, games, and the latest game technologies and supports from industry-leading vendors.

Academic competitions

Games competition

The Future Play Game Exhibition and Competition allows academic, independent, experimental, and/or student developers to gain recognition for their game-related work in a juried competition. Developers can submit to the exhibition in the following categories:
* Future Games: this category is for games that experiment with new game technologies or design concepts.
* Future Game Impacts and Applications: this category is for games that are built not necessarily for pure entertainment purposes (ie. Serious games), such as games that are for learning purposes.
* Future Game Talent: this category is primarily for students who have built an original, entertainment game title who wish to show off their talents, earn publicity for their school, gain personal recognition, and perhaps even find a publisher for the game.

Academic papers

Paper submissions for the conference are original, unpublished research. Papers often include late-breaking advances and work-in-progress reports from ongoing research. All submissions are rigorously peer-reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research content/depth, correctness, relevance to conference, contributions and readability.


The various committees of the conference are chaired by various figures from the industry and academia.

2008 program

Future Play 2008 is being hosted by Algoma University and the University of Ontario Institute of Technology. It is being hosted in Toronto, Canada.


Confirmed speakers for Future Play 2008 are Ken Perlin and Katie Salen. The theme of the conference is "Research. Play. Share." [ [http://www.futureplay.org Official FuturePlay website] ]


External links

* [http://www.futureplay.org/ FuturePlay website]
* [http://www.algomau.ca/ Algoma University]
* [http://www.mastersdegreeingaming.com/ Masters in Gaming]
* [http://www.uoit.ca/ University of Ontario Institute of Technology]
* [http://futureplayconference.blogspot.com/ FuturePlay blog]

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