Audrey Smedley

Audrey Smedley

Audrey Smedley (born 1930) is a social anthropologist and Professor Emeritus at Virginia Commonwealth University in anthropology and African-American studies. Smedley has written on the history of anthropology and the origin and evolution of the idea of "race" since the late 1970s. Her research interests also include comparative slavery, human ecological adaptation, and the roles of women in patrilineal societies.

She received her BA and MA in history and anthropology from the University of Michigan, and a Ph.D. in Social Anthropology from the University of Manchester, England, based on field research in northern Nigeria. She has taught undergraduate and graduate level courses in social anthropology, African societies and cultures, the history of anthropology, and anthropological theory.

External links

* [ Faculty page]
* [ PBS interview] for the program "Race: the Power of an Illusion".

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