Ho-Am Prize in Science

Ho-Am Prize in Science

Winners of the Ho-Am Prize in Science (from 1991 to 2003, the Ho-Am Prize in Science & Technology):

* 1991: Sang-Kyu Kyong
* 1992: Jihn E. Kim
* 1993: Choong-Ki Kim
* 1994: Sung-Hou Kim
* 1995: Sue-Goo Rhee
* 1996: Won-Yong Lee
* 1997: Hyuk Yu
* 1998: Peter S. Kim
* 1999: Myung-Hwan Whangbo
* 2000: Pill-Soon Song
* 2001: Edward C. Lim
* 2002: Mannque Rho
* 2003: Hongkun Park
* 2004:
* 2005:
* 2006:
* 2007: Sang-Wook Cheong
* 2008: [http://www.columbia.edu/~pk2015 [Philip Kim]

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