William L. Eagleton

William L. Eagleton

William Lester Eagleton, Jr. (born August 17, 1926, Peoria, Illinois) served as United States Ambassador to Yemen 1967, Tunisia 1977, Libya 1978-1979, Algeria 1979, Iraq 1980-1984 and Syria 1985-1988. He is also an author of The Kurdish Republic of 1946 (1961) and “Iraqi Kurdistan” in The World Today (1956). [http://www.mideasti.org/about/about_experts_resources.html]

Eagleton served in the United States Navy from 1944-46, and graduated from Yale University in 1948. He joined the U.S. foreign service in 1949.

After his term as Ambassador to Syria ended in 1988, Eagleton worked with the United Nations as Deputy Commissioner-General for Palestinian Refugees (1988-94), Special Coordinator for Sarajevo (1996), and Director of UN Operations in Western Sahara (1999). He rejoined the State Department in 2003 as a special advisor for Northern Iraq.

External links

* [http://www.gulfinvestigations.net/document458.html United States Interests Section in Iraq Cable from William L. Eagleton, Jr. to the Department of State. "Follow-up on Rumsfeld Visit to Baghdad", December 26, 1983]
* [http://www.reagan.utexas.edu/archives/speeches/1984/82184b.htm Nomination of William L. Eagleton, Jr., To Be United States Ambassador to Syria]
* [http://www.nndb.com/people/684/000122318/ NNDB listing]

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