Fabrique Nationale AS 24

Fabrique Nationale AS 24

The AS 24 was a military tricycle produced by Fabrique Nationale de Herstal during the 1960s. A single vehicle was evaluated by the US Army in 1973. 460 were produced, with the majority being used by Belgian parachute troops, notably during Operation Dragon Rouge.


* Passengers: 4 including Driver
* Weight: 374 lb (170 kg)
* Cargo: 770 lb (350 kg) of men and equipment.
* Height: 2 ft 10 in (85 cm)
* Engine: convert|15|hp|abbr=on Two-cylinder, two-stroke, 15 cubic inch (0.245 litres) model FN 24
* Speed: convert|60|mi/h|km/h|abbr=on


* http://www.maxmatic.com/threes/fnas24.htm
* http://www.3wheelers.com/fnas24.html

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