- Mosel wine
Mosel is one of 13 German wine regions ("Weinbaugebiete") for quality wines ("QbA" and "Prädikatswein"), and takes its name from the
Moselle River ( _de. Mosel). Before1 August 2007 the region was called Mosel-Saar-Ruwer, but changed to a name that was considered more consumer-friendly name. [The wine-growing region "Mosel-Saar-Ruwer" had been renamed Mosel on 1 August 2007. [http://dip.bundestag.de/brd/2006/0539-06.pdf] ] [ [http://www.decanter.com/news/136366.html Decanter News August 13, 2007: Mosel-Saar-Ruwer shortens name to Mosel] ] The wine region isGermany 's third largest in terms of production but is the leading region in terms of international prestige. J. Robinson "Jancis Robinson's Wine Course" Third Edition pg 264-265 Abbeville Press 2003 ISBN 0789208830 ] The region covers the valleys of the rivers Moselle, Saar, and Ruwer nearKoblenz andTrier in the federal state ofRhineland-Palatinate . The area is known for the steep slopes of the region's vineyards overlooking the river. At 65° degrees incline, the steepest recorded vineyard in the world is the "Calmont" vineyard located on the Mosel and belonging to the village ofBremm , and therefore referred to as "Bremmer Calmont". [ [http://bremm.info/fl_xga.htm?/calmont.htm Der Bremmer Calmont] ] K. MacNeil "The Wine Bible" pg 532-535 Workman Publishing 2001 ISBN 1563054345 ] The Mosel is mainly famous for its wines made from theRiesling grape , butElbling andMüller-Thurgau also contributes to the production. Because of the northerly location of Mosel, the Riesling wines are often light, low inalcohol , crisp and high inacidity , and often exhibit "flowery" rather than "fruity" aromas.History
It is believed that
viticulture was brought to this area by the Romans who planted vineyards along the Mosel and theRhine in order to have a local source of wine for theirgarrison s. The cost of transporting wine up from theItalian Peninsula or across theVosges Mountains and the Roman vineyards inGaul was very high and impractical. The Romans considered creating acanal between theSaône and the Rhine before ultimately deciding to plant vines in the area. Trier was a major Roman outpost and it is likely that the first Mosel vineyards were planted in the surrounding hillsides sometime in the 2nd century. Viticulture was certainly flourishing in the area by the 4th century when the Roman poetAusonius wrote a poem about the beauty of the land at harvest time. H. Johnson "Vintage: The Story of Wine" pg 87-95 Simon and Schuster 1989 ISBN 0671687026 ]The Mosel wine of the Roman period was described as light bodied and "austere". It was said to be an easier drinking wine than that of other Roman areas. In the winter time, the wine was heated in a kettle and drank like a
tea (a practice that still has some tradition among modern vineyard workers who drink it likecoffee often with a little sugar added). In warmervintage s the wine was noticeably more fruity and sweet. This was because the warmth allowed the grapes to more fully ripen and develop more sugars. During the cold autumn the fermentation process would not fully complete because of the low temperature thus leaving the wine with high levels ofresidual sugar s. H. Johnson "Vintage: The Story of Wine" pg 113-118 Simon and Schuster 1989 ISBN 0671687026 ]In the
Middle Ages , villages sprung up that were centered around the region's wine industry. These "wine villages" were known as "Winzerdorfs" included paths from the town center up to the area's vineyards. At the center was a communitywine cellar where all the area's growers could store their wines. One of the most well known Winzerdorf was the village of Bernkastel which was granted town rights in 1291. In 1435 when Count John VI ofKatzenelnbogen plantedRiesling [ http://www.graf-von-katzenelnbogen.de/ The Mosel, the Counts of Katzenelnbogen and the First Riesling of the World] in the nearbyRüsselsheim the first time he owned vineyards in Winningen like "the Destil", in Burgen and Kochem one half of the city and many vineyards more along the Mosel. In order to create more suitable land for vineyards, vineyard owners in the 16th century usedexplosives to break up the vertical spurs of rock along the rivers. J. Robinson (ed) "The Oxford Companion to Wine" Third Edition pg 456-458 Oxford University Press 2006 ISBN 0198609906 ]Towards the end of the 17th century, the Mosel began to identify more with wine made from the Riesling grape. The St. Maximin's Abbey in Trier owned 74 vineyards and by 1695 had over 100,000 vines to the Riesling vine. Today the vineyard of Maximin Grünhaus is considered one of the best Riesling vineyards in all of Germany. In the 18th century, the Prince-elector of Trier,
Clemens Wenceslaus of Saxony , mandated that over a seven-year period every vine in the Mosel area was to Riesling only. The rise of theHouse of Hanover in Great Britain saw a period of increaseexportation of "moselle wine" to England. However the wine's high price kept the wines mostly in the hands of the Royal court and English nobility rather than replacingclaret in the village taverns. H. Johnson "Vintage: The Story of Wine" pg 288-296 Simon and Schuster 1989 ISBN 0671687026 ]The 19th century saw an unprecedented era of prosperity for the Mosel wine industry under the rule of Prussia starting with the historic vintage of 1819. For the rest of the 1820s, there was a succession of outstanding weather and sterling wines produced. To promote the region's wine, the Prussian government lowered the
tariff s for the import of Mosel wines to other regions of the Prussian kingdom. The development of theZollverein customs union even further benefited the Mosel by reducing the customs on their wines traveling to other regions of theGerman Confederation . A string of bad weather vintages in the late 1830s and early 1840s would damper the extent of prosperity that the Mosel would see. H. Johnson "Vintage: The Story of Wine" pg 388-396 Simon and Schuster 1989 ISBN 0671687026 ]By the 1850s, winemakers in the Mosel had discovered the benefits of
chaptalization in helping to compensate for bad weather vintages and under ripen grapes. Another significant boon came a couple decades later when the British Prime MinisterWilliam Gladstone lowered the duties on light wine which opened up the British market to lower cost Mosel wines. This increased prosperity had the net effect of encouraging more quantity in production rather than quality. Many areas that were not ideal for Riesling were soon planted by the easier to grown Müller-Thurgau and other Riesling crossings. In the 20th century, aNorth America n taste for sweet wines saw the prominence ofLiebfraumilch and brands likeBlue Nun dominate the German import wine market. In recent times, the Mosel (as well as the entireGerman wine industry) has dedicated itself to reversing the reputation it gained during these years and focus on the quality of the area's dry wines.Climate and geography
The Mosel wine region has northernly
continental climate that is marked by cool temperatures. The best producing vineyard sites are located along the Mosel river and its tributary where the heat from the sun can be maximized by reflecting up from the water. South & southwest facing slopes are even more sought for because of the increased exposure to direct sunlight that can aid in ripening of the grapes. C. Fallis, editor "The Encyclopedic Atlas of Wine" pg 258-259 Global Book Publishing 2006 ISBN 1740480503 ] The soil of the area is dominated byporous slate which has ideal drainage for the regions heavy rainfall and good heat retaining properties. Many of the best vineyards have no topsoil at all, just broken slate. During the summer months the weather is warm but rarely hot with July's average temperatures around 64 °F (18 °C).The Mosel river dominates the geography of the region which is typically divided into three main sections. The Upper Mosel is the southern most section located closest to the river's origins along the French and
Luxembourg border. The region includes the Saar and Ruwer river tributaries and is centered around the city of Trier. The Middle Mosel or "Mittelmosel" is the main wine growing region and includes the villages ofBernkastel andPiesport . The Middle Mosel begins at the village of Zell and extends south to just north the village ofSchweich . The slate-based soil here is said to have one of the most recognizable "terroir " with the wines, especially Riesling, displaying slatey mineral notes. The Lower Mosel includes the region south of the city of Koblenz to the village of Alf near Zell. It is the most northern wine region of the Mosel and includes the area's confluence with the Rhine river.Viticulture
The steep river bank slopes that are scattered around the Mosel region are considered some of the most labor intensive vineyards in the world.
Mechanical harvesting is impractical and nearly seven times moreman hour s are needed in the Mosel than in more flatter terrain such as theMédoc .Grapevines are individually staked to the ground without connecting wires so that vineyard workers can tend to the plants goinghorizontal ly across the vineyard rather than the more at a more treacherous and tiringvertical angle. Safety is a priority for many Mosel vineyard owners with the area having a documented history offatalities among workers while tending the vines. A benefit of the steep Mosel vineyards is that the incline allows for more direct sunlight to have contact with the vines. During the winter, rain often causes somesoil erosion , especially of the vital slate chips that are needed for their heat retaining properties. Many vineyards will gather these erodedsediments and carry them back up the hillside.The Riesling grape, grown on 58.2% of the region's cultivated vineyard surface in 2006 [http://www.deutscheweine.de/icc/Internet-DE/med/1a6/1a64f607-a3e5-5117-3d28-952196117f51,11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111.pdf German Wine Institute: German Wine Statistics 2007-2008] ] , is widely considered the most prestigious and highest quality wine grape of the Mosel but it can not be planted on every vineyard site due to difficulties the grape has in ripening in particularly cool climates. Factors such as
altitude , aspect andsunlight exposure can have a pronounced affect not only one the resulting quality of the wine but also whether or not the Riesling grape will even ripen at all. A positive characteristic of the Riesling grape is that despite less the perfect ripeness it can still create a wine of finesse and elegance that would escape most other grape varieties.In place of Riesling, the easier cultivated Müller-Thurgau grape (14.7%) and other Riesling crossings like Kerner (4.6%) were planted in large quantities on the sites that were not suitable for Riesling, and which in many cases had been previously used for other agricultural purposes. A negative consequence of these large scale plantings is that the wine produced from these sites are typically of a lower quality than Riesling wines which in turn has a depressing economic effect on the prices of all Mosel wines. While consumers have benefited with top quality Riesling wines being underpriced in comparison with some of the world's other great wines from places like Bordeaux, Burgundy and California, the economic hardship created by the prices has caused some of the
peasant owner Mosel vineyards to go out of business.In 2006, the Mosel vineyards covered convert|8975|ha, making it the fifth-largest of Germany's 13 wine regions. The trend is slightly negative, down from convert|9533|ha in 2003 [ [http://www.deutscheweine.de/icc/Internet-DE/med/00f/00f51f4e-0098-401b-e592-6461d7937aae,11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111.pdf German Wine Institute: German Wine Statistics 2004-2005] ] , and it is primarily lesser sites previously planted with "low quality" varieties that are being abandoned. White grape varieties cover 91 percent of the region's vineyard surface.
Wine region
Within the Mosel region, there are the following six districts ("Bereiche") and 19 collective vineyard designations ("Großlagen"), plus 524 single vineyard ("Einzellagen") designations. Four of the six districts are situated on the river Moselle, and one each on rivers Saar and Ruwer.
*District Burg
Cochem / more commonly known as Untermosel or TerrassenmoselThe Cochem district is home to the some of the steepest vineyards in the Mosel planted on soil composed of bluedevonian slate, red slate andquartzite . Many of the vineyards of lower Mosel are terraced, which has led many producers to adopt the name Terrassenmosel, which sounds nicer than Untermosel in German. This district produces a higher proportion of dry wines than the rest of the region. A well known vineyard from this area is the "Juffermauer" located nearTreis-Karden which means "Wall of thevirgin s" in German. K. MacNeil "The Wine Bible" pg 517 Workman Publishing 2001 ISBN 1563054345 ]*District Bernkastel / more commonly known as MittelmoselThis is the central district of the region. One of the most notable vineyards in this area is known as "Doctorberg", and its wines as "Bernkasteler Doctor". An
apocryphal story of how the vineyard got its name originated in the lateMiddle Ages when a localarchbishop was miraculously cured of aterminal illness by drinking wine made from the grapes of this vineyard. K. MacNeil "The Wine Bible" pg 512 Workman Publishing 2001 ISBN 1563054345 ]Other notable vineyards of the Mittelmosel include the
sundial (German "Sonnenuhr") vineyards;Brauneberg Juffer-Sonnenuhr, Wehlener Sonnenuhr, Zeltinger Sonnenuhr. In the 19th century, large sundials were built in these vineyards so that the workers would know what time to break for lunch or the end of the work day. Since these vineyards receive the most exposure to the sun, many of the wines produced from these vineyards are richer and more full-bodied than wine produced from other vineyards. In a similar way to many of Burgundy's Grand Cru vineyards, the Sonnenuhr vineyards are highly parceled with multiple owners of individual plots or rows of vines. The Wehlener Sonnenuhr vineyard alone has more than 200 owners.
*District Ruwertal / more commonly known as Ruwer (its formal name is due to the fact that Ruwer also is a suburb of Trier)Located to the southeast of Trier, this region includes the vineyards aroundWaldrach andKasel . The region is home to many monopole vineyards. AtMertesdorf , there is aRoman aqueduct that connects the Grünhaus vineyard with the city of Trier. The quality of Ruwer wine is particularly dependent on the quality of the vintage with cool vintages marked by sharply acidic wines that quickly fade and warmer vintage producing some of the most delicate and perfumed expressions of German wines. H. Johnson & J. Robinson "The World Atlas of Wine" pg 216-223 Mitchell Beazley Publishing 2005 ISBN 1840003324 ]
*District SaarLike the Ruwer region, wine from the Saar district (along the lower course of theSaar River , inRhineland-Palatinate ) is particularly dependent on the overall quality of the vintage typically only 4 years out of every 10 producing a worthwhile set of wines. The wines that do come out of these warm vintages are noted for their apple-like freshness and steely mineral notes. The most ideal vintages allows harvest to take place between late October and mid November where the grapes can develop enough sugar to produce floral and honeyed notes.*District ObermoselThis wine district is composed of a thin strip of land along the Luxembourg border. The region starts just north of
Igel and continues south to the village ofPalzem where it meets the Moseltor district. Elbling, Müller-Thurgau, andAuxerrois Blanc are some of the region largest plantings. Obermosel and Moseltor contain very few notable vineyards compared to the other districts of the region.*District MoseltorThe Moseltor region is the most southern wine region of the Mosel located with the Obermosel along the Luxembourg border. The Elbling grape is the most commonly planted here producing a thin, rustic wine with high acidity.
Sparkling wine production is growing in this area.Wines
The wines of the Upper Mosel, especially along the Saar and Ruwer tributaries, are characterized by their low
alcohol content in the 6-9% range with intense fruity notes and high acidity. An obscure local poet once described them as 'Sonnenfeuer, Sternengold, Kühlen Mondlichtschein' - The fire of the Sun, the gold of the stars, and cool moonlight. The wines of the Middle Mosel are considered the most complete examples of German wines with some of the finest examples being able to age gracefully for 50-100 years. Mosel Riesling rely on a strong presence oftartaric acid to balance the grape's sugar and to help impart its fruity notes. A characteristic of all Mosel wines is their normally high acidity and transparency of clearly defined flavors. The wines of the Mosel region are traditionally packaged in long green colored "hock style"wine bottle . Historically the green color distinguished Mosel wines from the brown bottles of the Rheinhessen.Plantings of
Müller-Thurgau accounts for more the 20% of the Mosel wine production and is typically used for basicquaffing wine or in the production of sweetLiebfraumilch -style wine. The Elbing grape accounts for a little more than 9% of the area's production and is often used as a low-cost riesling alternative in the production of sparklingSekt . The Mosel is also well known for itsEiswein production with the area's characteristic high acidity coupled with the sweetness produced by the concentration of the sugars in the frozen grapes.Associations
Within Mosel, there are two major wine-grower's associations, "Großer Ring" which is the regional association belonging to VDP, and "Bernkasteler Ring", both of which arrange annual wine auctions of their top wines. Producers can submit their wines to the VDP for taste testing in order to designate a
reserve wine known as "Erste Lage" (meaning first site). These wines are subjected to several regulation included required hand harvesting and maximum yields of 220 case peracre (50 hl/ha). T. Stevenson "The Sotheby's Wine Encyclopedia" pg 347 Dorling Kindersley 2005 ISBN 0756613248 ]References
External links
* [http://www.germanwine.de/english/d_reg/r_mos.htm Mosel-Saar-Ruwer]
* [http://www.die-mosel.de Mosel-Saar-Ruwer]
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