Wendy Boglioli

Wendy Boglioli

Wendy Lansbach Boglioli (born March 6, 1955) is a former Olympic swimmer and swimming coach from the United States, who later became an executive and motivational speaker. She grew up in Land O' Lakes, Wisconsin. [ [http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=940DE7D61530F932A35753C1A96E948260&sec=&spon=&pagewanted=2 STATE BY STATE; In Wisconsin's North Woods Towns, The '88 Campaign Is Hardly Remote] ; R. W. APPLE JR., "New York Times"; October 1, 1988, Retrieved November 25 2007]

1976 Montréal Olympics

She is best known for winning the bronze medal in the 100m butterfly and, together with teammates Shirley Babashoff, Kim Peyton, and Jill Sterkel, the gold medal in the 4x100m freestyle relay at the 1976 Montréal Olympics. The gold was particularly crucial to the U.S. women's team as it was the only gold medal awarded to them during the games.

Post-Olympic career

Wendy served as co-head coach of the Yale University Swim Team together with her husband Bernie Boglioli, before embarking on a career as a motivational speaker and spokesperson.

In 1997, she entered the long-term care insurance field, and currently serves as national spokeswoman for Genworth Financial's Long Term Care Division. Her "In the Arms of Women" initiative is the first of its kind in the industry to recognize the distinctive needs of women clients.

Together with her husband of thirty years, Wendy resides outside of Seattle, Washington, and has three children and one grandchild. In 2004, Wendy was honored as a Distinguished Alumna of Monmouth University [ [http://www.monmouth.edu/news/news_story.asp?iNewsID=2610&strBack=%2Fnews%2Fnews_archive.asp Monmouth University - About ] ]


External links

* [http://www.wendyboglioli.com/ Wendy Boglioli's web site]
* [http://www.thecrimson.com/printerfriendly.aspx?ref=241846 Harvard Crimson article on Boglioli]
* [http://www.databaseolympics.com/games/gamessport.htm?g=19&sp=SWI Olympic medal count database]

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