James A. Sanders

James A. Sanders

James A. Sanders is an American scholar of First Testament (Old Testament, Hebrew Bible) and one of the Dead Sea Scrolls editors. He was the first to translate and edit the Psalm Scroll, which contained a previously unknown psalm. Sanders retired in the late 1990s, but still publishes and lectures regularly.

Sanders taught at Union Theological Seminary in New York, NY and at the Claremont School of Theology, Claremont, CA. While at CST, he founded the Ancient Biblical Manuscript Center for Research and Preservation ( [http://www.abmc.org ABMC] ), a microfilm archive and research center for ancient and medieval manuscripts related to the Bible.

Aside from his work on the Dead Sea Scrolls, Sanders is well know for his scholarship on biblical canon and intertestamenal interpretation.

Selected bibliography

* "Torah and Canon," 2d ed. Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2005
* "Early Christian Interpretation of the Scriptures of Israel: Investigations and Proposals," ed. with Craig A. Evans, Sheffield: The Academic Press, 1997
* "Paul and the Scriptures of Israel',' with Craig Evans, JSOT Press, 1993
* "Luke and Scripture: The Function of Sacred Tradition in Luke-Acts, with Craig Evans, Fortress Press, 1993
* "Canon and Community: a Guide to Canonical Criticism," Fortress Press, 1984
* "Torah and Canon," Fortress Press, 1972
* "The Dead Sea Psalms Scroll," Cornell University Press, 1967
* "Discoveries in the Judaean Desert IV: The Psalms Scroll of Qumran Cave 11," Clarendon Press, Oxford University, 1965

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