- The Lais of Marie de France
"The Lais of Marie de France" are a series of twelve short narrative
poem s in Anglo-Norman, generally focused on glorifying the concepts ofcourtly love through the adventures of their main characters. Little is known of their author Marie, apart from that she was born inFrance , leading to the nameMarie de France . It is believed that Marie lived inEngland when the lais were written in the late12th century .Marie de France's lais, told in octosyllabic, or eight syllable verse, are notable for their celebration of love, individuality of character, and vividness of description – hallmarks of the emerging literature of the times. Five different
manuscripts contain one or more of the lais, but only one, Harley 978, a thirteenth century manuscript housed in theBritish Library , preserves all twelve. It has been suggested that if the author had indeed arranged the "Lais" as presented in Harley 978, that she may have chosen this overall structure to contrast the positive and negative actions that can result from love.Ferrante, Joan M. "A New History of French Literature," p. 53, Edited by Denis Hollier. Harvard University Press, 1994] In this manuscript, the odd lais — "Guigemar ," "Le Fresne," etc. — praise the characters who express love for other people. By comparison, the even lais, such as "Equitan ," "Bisclavret " and so on, warn how love that is limited to oneself can lead to misfortune.The Harley 978 manuscript also includes a 56-line
prologue in which Marie describes the impetus for her composition of the lais. In the prologue, Marie writes that she was inspired by the example of the ancient Greeks and Romans to create something that would be both entertaining and morally instructive. She also states her desire to preserve for posterity the tales that she has heard. Two of Marie's lais – "Lanval ," a very popular work that was adapted several times over the years (including theMiddle English "Sir Launfal "), and "Chevrefoil " ("TheHoneysuckle "), a short composition aboutTristan and Iseult – mentionKing Arthur and hisKnights of the Round Table . Marie's lais were precursors to later works on the subject, and Marie was probably a contemporary ofChrétien de Troyes , another writer of Arthurian tales.The Lais
(This list follows the sequence of texts found in Harley 978.)
*"Guigemar "
*"Equitan "
*"Le Fresne" ('The Ash Tree')
*"Bisclavret " ('The Werewolf')
*"Lanval "
*"Les Deux Amants " ('The Two Lovers')
*"Yonec "
*"Laüstic " ('The Nightingale')
*"Milun "
*"Chaitivel " ('The Four Sorrows')
*"Chevrefoil " ('The Honeysuckle')
*"Eliduc "ee also
Anglo-Norman literature
*Courtly literature
*Medieval literature Notes and references
External links
* [http://www.umanitoba.ca/faculties/arts/french_spanish_and_italian/leslais.htm The Lais of Marie de France] in Old French from the
University of Manitoba
* [http://www.english.ufl.edu/exemplaria/intro.html Online verse translations] in English by Judith P. Shoaf
*gutenberg|no=11417|name=French Mediaeval Romances from the Lays of Marie de France by Marie de France
* [http://www.people.vcu.edu/~cmarecha/ The International Marie de France Society]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.