Ed Evangelista

Ed Evangelista

Ed Evangelista is an Executive Creative Director in media, entertainment and advertising, as well as judge for the first season of ABC's reality television show "American Inventor".

Ed was most recently an Executive Creative Director at the NY Headquarters of JWT for 10 years before launching out on his own as a marketing and media consultant.


Evangelista holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the School of Visual Arts in New York City.

Ed Evangelista starred as the straight talking, no-nonsense judge, jury and executioner on the ABC-TV reality show American Inventor.

Ed is best known for his breakthrough creative work for Debeers diamond. The successful launches of the Three Stone and Right Hand Rings have been considered by many as sheer branding perfection. For the past 28 years Ed has created work for many brands, including Smirnoff, Rolex, MCI, Philips Electronics, Volvo,"LIFE" Magazine, Sunsilk, Sony and Merrill Lynch to name a few.

He married marketing and entertainment for the hit launch of Sunsilk's "LoveBites" for TBS. These 65 two-minute TV episodes ran after Sex and the City and kept few viewers engaged. He was also instrumental in the launch of Sunsilk's Colorshowdown and colorshowdown.com which makes contemporary the blondes versus brunettes debate using Sunsilk's products as the primary debating tools.

He has since become a consultant, entrepreneur and a significant player in branded entertainment, mobile content and alternative marketing. His exprtise is in content and delivery of alternative media by bringing brands and entertainment together to create new consumer experiences. Evangelista is currently involved in a variety of branding,TV,web and mobile projects. He has won every major advertising award from the One Show Gold to the Cannes Lion. Ed and his work has been quoted and profiled in the WSJ, NYT, Archive, Graphis, Adweek, AdAge, and Entrepreneur.com. [http://www.entrepreneur.com/startingabusiness/inventing/productdevelopment/article159712.html] .

Ed Evangelist is looking to create the biggest innovations to be found at the corner of "Madison & Vine," the intersection of brands, branded content,digital and mobile entertainment. With knowledge of creating some of the biggest brand experiences in the marketing world and a network of top marketing and entertainment contacts Ed is a valuable player to be working with any business team.

Personal life

Evangelista's hobbies include boxing, boating, fishing, jetskiing, renovating houses, restoring classic Italian cars and coaching his daughters fastpitch windmill style softball league and his son"s Little League baseball.

External links

* [http://edevangelista.com/ Bio web site]

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