

Infobox Swiss town
subject_name = Belpberg
municipality_name = Belpberg
municipality_type = municipality
imagepath_coa = |pixel_coa=
image_photo = Belpberg_und_Gürbetal.jpg
image_caption = The Belpberg hill, on which the municipality lies, as seen from the west.

languages = German
canton = Berne
iso-code-region = CH-BE
district = Seftigen
postal_code = 3124
municipality_code = 0862
area = 5.7
elevation = 802|elevation_description=
population = 370|populationof = January 2005 | popofyear = 2005
website =
mayor = |mayor_asof=|mayor_party=
mayor_title = |list_of_mayors =
places =
demonym =
neighboring_municipalities= Belp, Gelterfingen, Gerzensee, Toffen
twintowns = |

Belpberg is a municipality in the district of Seftigen in the canton of Berne in Switzerland.

The village was historically dependent on agriculture, and dairy farming and cattle breeding have continued to the present day. There is otherwise little employment within the commune, and most of the working inhabitants commute to nearby towns, particularly Bern.


Roman and Celtic coinage points to an early settlement in the area. The first documented use of the name "Belpberge" is found in 1342, with the versions "Belperg" (1380) and "Beltperg" (1390) appearing later. The etymology of the word stem Belp is unclear.


*HDS|485 URL accessed on 5 May 2006.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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