- Stalag IV-G
Stalag IV-G (sometimes referred to as Stalag IVG or Stalag 4G)
The administrative headquarters of Stalag IV-G were in
Oschatz , a town situated betweenLeipzig andDresden in Saxony, Germany.At 11 - 16 March, 1945 there were 4457 British and 776 American prisoners, of which about 20 were based in the Oschatz headquarters and the remainder at work camps in the region.
Further details of the work and the conditions of prisoners in work camps (arbeitkommando or lager) in Altenhain, Böhringen, Carsdorf,
Coswig ,Döbeln , Gneissenaustrasse, Grauschwitz, Grossteinberg Hohnstadt, Grossweitzschen, Grosszoossen, Hartha, Kalkschacht, Kriebethal,Leipzig , Leipzig North, Leipzig Ost, Leipzig West, Markranstädt,Meissen , Rittwitz and Trebsen can be found in theRed Cross [ [http://www.pegasusarchive.org/pow/frames.htm Red Cross visits Stalag IV-G] ] report.The area around Oschatz was one of the last to be liberated at the end of the second world war. In May 2005 the Oschatzer Heimatverein e.V. organised an exhibition to commemorate the liberation and Stalag IV-G. [ [http://www.oschatz-damals.de/Heimatverein/presse2005.html Exhibition (in German)] ]
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