Frederic Brenton Fitch

Frederic Brenton Fitch

Frederic Brenton Fitch (1908-1987) was an American logician, and was the inventor of Fitch-style calculus. He was a professor at Yale University.


Stanford University has produced an application called " [ Fitch] ".

An online Java application for proof building is also available


* Symbolic Logic, An Introduction. Frederic Fitch, The Ronald Press Company, 1952
* A Logical Analysis of Some Value Concepts, Frederic Fitch, 1953
* "The Perfection of Perfection," Process and Divinity, William L. Reese and Eugene Freeman, eds. LaSalle, Ill.: Open Court, 1964


* "Symbolic Logic, An Introduction", The Ronald Press Company, 1952
* "A Logical Analysis of Some Value Concepts", "The Journal of Symbolic Logic", 28, 1963
* "A Revision of Hohfeld's Theory of Legal Concepts", "Logique et Analyse", 10, 1967

External links



* Jon Barwise and John Etchemendy, Language, Proof, and Logic, Seven Bridges Press and CSLI, 1999.

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