- AP Macroeconomics
Advanced Placement
Macroeconomics (also known as AP Macroeconomics, AP Macro, or simply Macro) is a course offered by theCollege Board as part of theAdvanced Placement Program forhigh school students interested in college-level work ineconomics . Study begins with fundamental economic concepts such asscarcity ,opportunity costs , production possibilities, specialization,comparative advantage ,demand ,supply , andprice determination . Major topics include measurement of economic performance, national income and price determination, and international economics and growth. AP Macroeconomics is frequently taught in conjunction with (and in some cases in the same year as)AP Microeconomics .Topic outline
*Basic Economic Concepts
*Measurement of Economic Performance
*National Income and Price Determination
*Financial Sector
*Inflation, Unemployment, and Stabilization Policies
*Economic Growth and Productivity
*Open Economy: International Trade and FinanceThe exam
*Section I: Multiple Choice [70 minutes - worth 66.7% of the exam grade]
*Section II: Free-Response [60 minutes - worth 33.3% of the exam grade]Grade distribution
In the 2007 administration, 60,116 students took the exam from 2,886 schools. The mean score was a 2.80.
The grade distribution for 2007 was:
External links
* [http://www.collegeboard.com/student/testing/ap/sub_maceco.html?macro
* [http://www.course-notes.org/economics AP Economics Outlines]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.