Lesotho Congress of Democratic Unions
- Lesotho Congress of Democratic Unions
Infobox Union
name= LECODU
country= Lesotho
affiliation= CTUC
full_name= Lesotho Congress of Democratic Unions

founded= May, 2004
office= Maseru, Lesotho
people= Ts'eliso Ramochela, general secretary
The Lesotho Congress of Democratic Unions (LECODU) is a national trade union center in Lesotho. It was formed in May, 2004 by the merger of some unions of the Congress of Lesotho Trade Unions and the Lesotho Federation of Democratic Unions (LFDU). Ts'eliso Ramochela, the general secretary of the LFDU, assumed the position of general secretary in the LECODU.
*cite book
year = 2005
title = Trade Unions of the World
editor = ICTUR et al,
edition = 6th
publisher = John Harper Publishing
location = London, UK
id = ISBN 0-9543811-5-7
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