

"Wyomingraptor" (meaning 'Wyoming Thief') is the name unofficially ascribed to an allosaurid dinosaur from the Morrison Formation of the Late Jurassic. The few remains unearthed are labeled as "Allosaurus" in the Tate Museum. Robert Bakker, who discovered the fossils in 1997, has proposed the new name. However, there has been no official description of the remains and the name cannot be used until scientific scrutiny suggests they represent a separate genus. Until such a time, "Wyomingraptor" must remain a "nomen nudum".

External links

* [http://www.dinoruss.com/de_4/5ce8998.htm "Wyomingraptor" in the Dinosaur Encyclopaedia] at Dino Russ's Lair
* [http://dml.cmnh.org/1997Apr/msg00586.html Dinosaur Mailing List entry which discusses the validity of the proposed genus]

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