Eucalyptus jacksonii

Eucalyptus jacksonii

name = Red Tingle

image_caption = Red Tingle in the Valley of the Giants
regnum = Plantae
unranked_divisio = Angiosperms
unranked_classis = Eudicots
unranked_ordo = Rosids
ordo = Myrtales
familia = Myrtaceae
genus = "Eucalyptus"
species = "E. jacksonii"
binomial = "Eucalyptus jacksonii"
binomial_authority = |

The Red Tingle ("Eucalyptus jacksonii") of south west Western Australia is one of the tallest trees in the state and can measure up to 16 metres round at the base and grow to a height of 60 metres and live for up to 400 years.

The trees often have shallow root systems and grow a buttressed base. Forest fires often act to hollow out the base of the trees creating a large cavity. The distribution of the species has been shrinking due to climate change over millions of years. They are now found primarily in Walpole-Nornalup National Park (35° S) and in a few isolated sites outside the park in the Walpole area (approximately 34°58′S).

The red tingle is often compared to the other two species - the Yellow tingle Eucalyptus guilfoylei and Rate's tingle Eucalyptus brevistylis are smaller.

ee also

* Eucalyptus

External links

* Forest Product Commission web page

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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