2006 Kamchatka earthquakes

2006 Kamchatka earthquakes

The 2006 Kamchatka earthquakes was a series of powerful shocks that started on April 20, 2006 at 23:25 UTC (April 21, 2006 at 12:25 PM local time) as a major quake [http://earthquake.usgs.gov/eqcenter/eqinthenews/2006/usltbt/ Koryakia, Russia Earthquake, April 20, 2006] ."United States Geological Survey."] with the magnitude of 7.6 on the Richter scale. The epicenter was located near coast of Koryak Autonomous Okrug at 61.075°N, 167.085°E at an estimated depth of 22 km, as reported preliminarily by the USGS. This major quake caused damages in three villages; it was followed by a number of shocks ranging in magnitude from 4.3 to 5.1.

The next strong 6.6 temblor struck on Saturday, April 29 at 16:58 UTC (April 30, 2006 at 5:58 AM local time); it was too followed by a number of strong and medium quakes days after with the magnitude ranging from 4.3 to 5.0.

These earthquakes claimed no deaths, however 40 people were reported injured and ca. 1,000 people were since evacuated. Several diesel electric power stations and block and concrete buildings sustained damage.


External links

* [http://www.rian.ru/elements/earth/20060429/47054615.html "The earthquakes on Kamchatka" РИА "Новости"] ru icon
* [ftp://hazards.cr.usgs.gov/weekly/qedevents.txt Quick Epicenter Determinations (QED) file of the US Department of the Interior Geological Survey] (refreshing daily)

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