

In mathematics, in the area of abstract algebra known as group theory, an A-group is a type of group that is similar to abelian groups. The groups were first studied in the 1940s by Philip Hall, and are still studied today. A great deal is known about their structure.


An A-group is a finite group with the property that all of its Sylow subgroups are abelian.


The term A-group was probably first used in harv|Hall|1940|loc=Sec. 9, where attention was restricted to soluble A-groups. Hall's presentation was rather brief without proofs, but his remarks were soon expanded with proofs in harv|Taunt|1949. The representation theory of A-groups was studied in harv|Itô|1952. Carter then published an important relationship between Carter subgroups and Hall's work in harv|Carter|1962. The work of Hall, Taunt, and Carter was presented in textbook form in harv|Huppert|1967. The focus on soluble A-groups broadened, with the classification of finite simple A-groups in harv|Walter|1969, and an important relationship to varieties of groups in harv|Ol'šanskiĭ|1969. Modern interest in A-groups was renewed when new enumeration techniques enabled tight asymptotic bounds on the number of distinct isomorphism classes of A-groups in harv|Venkataraman|1997.


The following can be said about A-groups:
* Every subgroup, quotient group, and direct product of A-groups are A-groups.
* Every finite abelian group is an A-group.
* A finite nilpotent group is an A-group if and only if it is abelian.
* The symmetric group on three points is an A-group that is not abelian.
* Every group of square-free order is an A-group.
* The derived length of an A-group can be arbitrarily large, but no larger than the number of distinct prime divisors of the order, stated in harv|Hall|1940, and presented in textbook form as harv|Huppert|1967|loc=Kap. VI, Satz 14.16.
* The lower nilpotent series coincides with the derived series harv|Hall|1940.
* A soluble A-group has a unique maximal abelian normal subgroup harv|Hall|1940.
* The Fitting subgroup of a solvable A-group is equal to the direct product of the centers of the terms of the derived series, first stated in harv|Hall|1940, then proven in harv|Taunt|1949, and presented in textbook form in harv|Huppert|1967|loc=Kap. VI, Satz 14.8.
* A non-abelian finite simple group is an A-group if and only if it is isomorphic to the first Janko group or to PSL(2,"q") where "q" > 3 and either "q" = 2n or "q" ≡ 3,5 mod 8, as shown in harv|Walter|1969.
* All the groups in the variety generated by a finite group are finitely approximable if and only if that group is an A-group, as shown in harv|Ol'šanskiĭ|1969.
* Like Z-groups, whose Sylow subgroups are cyclic, A-groups can be easier to study than general finite groups because of the restrictions on the local structure. For instance, a more precise enumeration of soluble A-groups was found after an enumeration of soluble groups with fixed, but arbitrary Sylow subgroups harv|Venkataraman|1997. A more leisurely exposition is given in harv|Blackburn|Neumann|Venkataraman|2007|loc=Ch. 12.


*Citation | last1=Blackburn | first1=Simon R. | last2=Neumann | first2=Peter M. | last3=Venkataraman | first3=Geetha | title=Enumeration of finite groups | publisher=Cambridge University Press | language=English | edition=1st | series=Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics no 173 | isbn=978-0-521-88217-0 | oclc=154682311 | year=2007
*Citation | last1=Carter | first1=Roger W. | author1-link=Roger Carter (mathematician) | title=Nilpotent self-normalizing subgroups and system normalizers | doi=10.1112/plms/s3-12.1.535 | id=MathSciNet | id = 0140570 | year=1962 | journal=Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series | issn=0024-6115 | volume=12 | pages=535–563
*Citation | last1=Hall | first1=Philip | author1-link=Philip Hall | title=The construction of soluble groups | id=MathSciNet | id = 0002877 | year=1940 | journal=Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik | issn=0075-4102 | volume=182 | pages=206–214
*Citation | last1=Huppert | first1=B. | author1-link=Bertram Huppert | title=Endliche Gruppen | publisher=Springer-Verlag | location=Berlin, New York | language=German | isbn=978-3-540-03825-2 | oclc=527050 | id=MathSciNet | id = 0224703 | year=1967, especially Kap. VI, §14, p751–760
*Citation | last1=Itô | first1=Noboru | title=Note on A-groups | url=http://projecteuclid.org/euclid.nmj/1118799317 | id=MathSciNet | id = 0047656 | year=1952 | journal=Nagoya Mathematical Journal | issn=0027-7630 | volume=4 | pages=79–81
*Citation | last1=Ol'šanskiĭ | first1=A. Ju. | title=Varieties of finitely approximable groups | language=Russian | id=MathSciNet|id=0258927 | journal=Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya Matematicheskaya | issn=0373-2436 | volume=33 | pages=915–927
*Citation | last1=Taunt | first1=D. R. | title=On A-groups | id=MathSciNet | id = 0027759 | year=1949 | journal=Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. | volume=45 | pages=24–42
*Citation | last1=Venkataraman | first1=Geetha | title=Enumeration of finite soluble groups with abelian Sylow subgroups | id=MathSciNet | id = 1439702 | year=1997 | journal=The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Second Series | issn=0033-5606 | volume=48 | issue=189 | pages=107–125
*Citation | last1=Walter | first1=John H. | title=The characterization of finite groups with abelian Sylow 2-subgroups. | id=MathSciNet | id = 0249504 | year=1969 | journal=Annals of Mathematics. Second Series | issn=0003-486X | volume=89 | pages=405–514

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