Conquest (gametype)

Conquest (gametype)

Conquest is a gametype used mainly by Electronic Arts and Digital Illusions CE's Battlefield franchise. To win a game of Conquest, the teams in the game (usually two) must capture pre-determined spawnpoints (referred to as control points or outposts ingame) labeled by flags. Depending on the amount of team members in the capture radius of a flag, the capture meter will fill faster, thereby shortening the time of capture. While capturing, it is possible for the enemy to pause or slow down the capture. A 1:1 ratio of enemies and friendlies in the area will cause the capture to pause, otherwise the capture will slowly go to the team with more members in the area. The speed or direction of capture will not change until members leave the area or are killed. Once a control point is captured, a player can then choose to spawn in that location.

Tickets symbolize reinforcements and determine which team is winning. Tickets are reduced through deaths or ticket bleed. Each death costs one of the team's tickets.


Win conditions

A game ends

  • The time limit is reached (this is a server option); the team with the most tickets wins.
  • One team's ticket count reaches zero. The opposing team wins.
  • A team captures all flags and then kills all the remaining enemies. This cannot happen if the team has an uncapturable base (or 'Uncap').

Conquest Types

There are five different types of Conquest game modes. They are:

Conquest: Assault

One team is specified as the attacker (pre-determined, depending on the map). The attacking team starts out with an uncaptureable base and 10% more tickets than the defending team, which holds all or most of the captureable control points on the map at the beginning of the round. Ticket bleed is inflicted when one team holds all the captureable control points, so the attacking team usually starts with ticket bleed at the round's start and must neutralize at least one flag to stop it.

Conquest: Head-On

Each team has at least one uncapturable base. If one team capture more than half the total number of flags on a map, then the opposing team will suffer ticket bleed.

Conquest: Double Assault

Each team starts with at least one control point. All control points on the map are capturable and capturing more than half of the flags will inflict ticket bleed.

Conquest: Assault Lines

A new gamemode variant exclusive to the Battlefield 2142: Northern Strike booster pack, this gamemode is similar to Assault. The EU team begins with a single, uncapturable base, while the PAC team has all the remaining control points. However, the PAC home base cannot be captured unless the EU team controls all the other flags on the map, forcing more defense onto flags that have already been captured. If the PAC flag is captured, all players on the EU team receive an award. However, if the PAC manages to recapture a base, the round will continue. If they recapture their home base, the EU is eligible to receive the award again.

Conquest: Double Assault Lines

A new twist on a twist. This gamemode has only been seen following the Battlefield 2142 1.40 patch on the Highway Tampa map. The only difference to Assault Lines is that both teams now have a base that is uncapturable until all the other flags are taken.

Games currently in development or released that use a concept similar to Conquest:

See also


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