Albert Howard

Albert Howard

Sir Albert Howard (1873-1947) was a British botanist, an organic farming pioneer, and a principal figure in the early organic movement. He is often referred to as the father of modern organic agriculture.


He worked in India as agricultural advisor and was in charge of a government research farm at Indore. [cite web| last = Solomon| first = Steve| title = Sir Albert Howard's Indore Method| work = Organic Gardener's Composting| publisher = Soil And Health Library| url = | accessdate =2008-06-20 ] He observed and came to support traditional Indian farming practices over conventional agricultural science. Though he journeyed to India to teach Western agricultural techniques he found that the Indians could in fact teach him more. One important aspect he took notice of was the connection between healthy soil and the villages' healthy populations, livestock and crop. Patrick Holden, Director of the UK Soil Association quoted Howard as saying "the health of soil, plant, animal and man is one and indivisible." He was president of the 13th session of the Indian Science Congress in 1926.

He has been called the father of modern composting, for his refinement of a traditional Indian composting system into what is now known as the Indore method. He went on to document and develop organic farming techniques, and spread his knowledge through the UK-based Soil Association, and the Rodale Institute in the US. His 1940 book, "An Agricultural Testament", is a classic organic farming text. His work influenced and inspired many farmers and agricultural scientists who furthered the organic movement, including Lady Eve Balfour (the Haughley Experiment, "The Living Soil") and J.I. Rodale (Rodale Institute).


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