- The Son of the Sun
Infobox Comic
name = The Son of the Sun
image_caption =Gladstone Publishing 's U.S. cover for "Son of the Sun"
code = AR 102
title_orig =
hero =Scrooge McDuck
appearances =Scrooge McDuck Donald Duck Huey, Dewey and Louie Flintheart Glomgold
pages = 26
layout = 4 rows per page
story =Don Rosa
ink =Don Rosa
date =
first =Uncle Scrooge #219
July, 1987
inducks_id = AR+102"The Son of the Sun" is the first
Scrooge McDuck comic byDon Rosa , first published in 1986. It is a well-knowncomic book story that featuresDisney 's Scrooge McDuck,Donald Duck , andHuey, Dewey, and Louie , most notable for establishing Don Rosa as a major talent in the Disney comic book industry, as well as fulfilling Rosa's childhood dream of becoming a writer and illustrator of stories featuring Scrooge McDuck.The combination of homage to Barks, clever and intelligent writing, appealing art, and dependence of the resolution of the plot on of one of Scrooge's most redeeming character traits were instrumental in the reception of this storyline as a modern classic.
Don Rosa had idolized
Carl Barks , arguably the best-lovedwriter andillustrator of Scrooge McDuckcomic book s up until that point in time, since Rosa's childhood, and had drawn several comics with strong stylistic influences from Barks' work during his early career. One such story, appearing in a series called the "Pertwillaby Papers", was called "Lost In (an alternative section of) the Andes", and was in no small part anhomage to a Barks story called (perhaps not surprisingly) "Lost in the Andes! ".When Rosa began working with
Gladstone Publishing , a publisher of Disney comics, later in his life, he asked for and was granted permission to draw a Scrooge McDuck story. Rosa updated the plot for "Lost In (an alternative section of) the Andes" to feature Scrooge McDuck and his nephews instead of the original protagonist, and this story became "Son of the Sun". He has since stated that the original conception of the story in his mind had always featured the Disney ducks, and that "Son of the Sun" is simply a return to the original conception.The story met with widespread acclaim and was nominated for a
Harvey Award , and immediately established Rosa as a major talent when it came to writing and illustrating Scrooge McDuck.toryline
The opening panels of the story are set in the
Duckburg museum , where Scrooge McDuck is opening a museum exhibit featuring the greatest wonders he has collected during his travels around the world (most of them direct tributes to classic Barks stories).As Scrooge is bragging to his nephews, Donald Duck and Huey, Dewey and Louie (who know all of the details by heart, having been there for the original expeditions),
Flintheart Glomgold , who is about to open an exhibit of his own, overhears Scrooge, and shortly the conversation between the two duck tycoons turns into a bragging match as to who is the greatestadventurer and treasure-seeker. Scrooge challenges Glomgold to think of something he could find; Glomgold is momentarily nonplussed, then catches sight of Scrooge’s exhibit ofInca artifacts and points out that while Scrooge found the originalgold mines of theIncas , he never found the golden artifacts that had been extracted from the mines. Soon Scrooge and his nephews are off on a race with Glomgold to see who can find, "and" claim, the "greater Incan treasure."The first clue comes as soon as Glomgold has left, as Donald picks up an Incan vase that was knocked over during the bragging match. They find a metal plaque baked inside, providing a map to a temple of
Manco Capac in theAndes mountains. Unfortunately, Glomgold is listening outside.Arriving at a village near Cuzco, Scrooge hires a plane to fly them to its location. The pilot of the plane turns out to be Glomgold, who relieves them of the plaque at gunpoint and then parachutes out. Scrooge tries to regain control of the plane and, in a comic episode, inadvertently rips out the belly of the plane while flying too low, dumping his nephews’ onto the valley floor, still in their seats. As the plane flies off, Glomgold approaches and informs the ducks that Scrooge has frightened away the porters he hired, so they will have to do.
A week later, Glomgold and his reluctant helpers reach a remote
mountain , on the summit of which is the temple, built around a large volcanicfumarole (hence, the plaque’s description, the “life breath” of Manco Capac). Glomgold enters the temple’s treasure chamber and is beside himself with glee to discover an enormous store of golden Inca artifacts. Then Scrooge appears, calmly informing Glomgold that he crash-landed the plane on the mountaintop several days ago, and has already filed his claim on the gold using the plane’s radio.It seems the Scrooge has won, but Huey, Dewey, and Louie are confused about one thing: the plaque makes reference to an Incan “treasure” being moved to the temple, but it actually predates the time of the
conquistadors , which is naturally when the gold would have been moved there. Realizing there must be another Incan treasure in the temple, Glomgold investigates further and discovers the “Eye” of Manco Capac: an enormous, disc-shaped sunburst festooned with enormous gemstones. Since Scrooge claimed the gold, and not the temple, and there’s no gold on the sunburst, that makes it Glomgold’s.As Scrooge and Glomgold begin to argue about whose treasure is of greater value, Glomgold begins taking it down from its wall mounting, but it falls and rolls down the temple steps and into the fumarole. It wedges into the hole side down, creating a perfect seal. As the volcanic
gas es build up an enormous pressure, Scrooge notices that the back of the sunburst is sheathed in gold, starting another furious argument between him and Glombold, and causing them to wedge the sunburst down even more firmly. Before the others can stop them, the pressure mounts and (in a spectacular panel) the entire mountaintop, temple and all, is blown into the sky like a cork from a bottle. The ducks are able to use atapestry as a makeshiftparachute before the temple lands squarely in a nearly bottomless volcaniclake , next to the village they originally started from. The massivesplash of water irrigates the villagers’ crop fields, relieving them from the effects of recentdrought .All of the treasure is now completely irretrievable. As the dispirited ducks begin their journey back to civilization, Scrooge is seen emerging from the village and mentions that he has agreed to build a
pumping station for the village so that they will never be troubled by drought again. Glomgold scorns Scrooge's generosity, until Scrooge reveals that that in return, the villagers have agreed to sell him the lake for onepeso - which makes Scrooge the rightful owner of both the temple and all of the treasure inside it. Even though he cannot retrieve it, Scrooge is now the clear legal owner of all of the treasure - and thus the winner of the contest.Relation to Barks’s Works
The story is notable for its clear homage to many Barks stories, featuring a search for lost treasure, a set of improbable clues that must be deciphered in order to retrieve it, and a series of unpredictable twists and turns en route to the retrieval of said treasure, all classic elements of Barks' Scrooge McDuck stories.
However, Rosa also softened the character of Scrooge somewhat from Barks’s version, making him a deliberate contrast to Glomgold’s evil and sneakiness. In previous Barks stories (notably "
Voodoo Hoodoo ") Scrooge has sometimes been portrayed as an unscrupulousrobber baron , while Glomgold has been portrayed as remarkably similar to Scrooge in many ways, such as histhrift . Rosa’s version manages to be both shrewd and generous, finding ways to make a profit that do plenty of good to local communities. The fact that hisgenerosity allows him to triumph over Glomgold in this story shows the qualities that elevate Scrooge to ahero instead of just a rich eccentric.Visual Cues
The museum exhibit contains a line of mementoes from classic Barks adventures featuring Scrooge:
*A 1916 quarter (from "City Under The Sea ”)
*The Crown ofGenghis Khan
*TheGolden Fleece (from "The Golden Fleecing ")
*A collection ofInca artifacts (from "The Prize of Pizarro ")
*ThePhilosopher's Stone (from "The Fabulous Philosopher's Stone ")tory Cues
* In the museum, Donald says he is tired of Scrooge and Glomgold's repeated contests to see which of them is the richest duck in the world ("
The Second-Richest Duck "; "The Money Champ "); Glombold blithely says that, regardless of what those contests might say, he has always been the champion. However, this story marks a new direction in the Scrooge-Glomgold rivalry, in which they make bets over hunting treasure rather than comparing their wealth.
* The old South American man who advises both Scrooge and Glomgold originally appeared in Barks’s story "Lost in the Andes ", along with his signature line, "These "Americanos" are crazy!"External links
*Inducks comic|AR+102
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