Avi Mograbi

Avi Mograbi

Avi Mograbi ( _he. אבי מוגרבי; born 1956) is an Israeli documentary filmmaker. His films are often experimental in form and are highly critical of Israel's treatment of the Palestinian people.

Mograbi studied philosophy at Tel Aviv University from 1979 to 1982, and art at Ramat Hasharon Art School.

His most recent film "Avenge But One of My Two Eyes" premiered at the 2005 Cannes Film Festival.


*"Deportation" (1989, short)
*"The Reconstruction" (1994)
*"How I Learned to Overcome My Fear and Love Arik Sharon" (1997)
*"Happy Birthday, Mr. Mograbi" (1999)
*"August: A Moment Before the Eruption" (2002)
*"Wait it's the soldiers, I have to hang up now" (2002, short)
*"Detail" (2004, short)
*"Avenge But One of My Two Eyes" (2005)

External links

* [http://www.sfjff.org/sfjff19/filmmakers/11D.html Filmmaker's statement on "Happy Birthday, Mr. Mograbi"]
* [http://www.hrw.org/iff/2002/traveling/august-interview.html Interview with Avi Mograbi on his film "August"]
* [http://www.greencine.com/article?action=view&articleID=264&pageID=484 Interview with Avi Mograbi on his film "Avenge But One of My Two Eyes"]
* [http://chicky99.googlepages.com/maayan222 The politics of representation of the Palestinian suffering in 'Avenge But One of My Two Eyes' - Maarvon, an israeli magazine of cinema]

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