- Coartem
Coartem is the commercial name of
artemether –lumefantrine , a drug combination effective in treatingmalaria , developed by the Ciba and Sandoz laboratories in 1996. Subsequent to their merger, the patent now belongs toNovartis . It was added to theWHO essential drug list , [ [http://www.sahealthinfo.org/malaria/faq.htm] An FAQ on health-based issues, particularly those concerning Southern Africa] showing a success rate above 95 %. To help fightmalaria , which kills approximately 1 million people every year [ [http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20080918/hl_nm/malaria_dc_2] Reuters report on WHO annoucement ] , mostly in Third-World countries, the WHO and Novartis concluded an agreement to help manufacture and sell the drug at lower costs in countries where the average income rarely exceeds two dollars a day. An audit found that Novartis lost 80 cents for every dose sold. [ [http://www.medicalprogresstoday.com/spotlight/spotlight_indarchive.php?id=821] Article from Medical Progress Today] The expected number of orders for 2006 was 100 million, but due to local difficulties, namely the lack of a proper health infrastructure in Third World countries, the number of doses actually sold will be far less than that. [ [http://www.lemonde.fr/web/article/0,1-0@2-3232,36-765175,0.html] by Daniel Vasella, chairman and CEO of Novartis, article published in Le Monde, April 26th, 2006]A dose of Coartem now costs 55 cents for a child up to age 3. [ [http://www.nytimes.com/2006/06/28/world/africa/28malaria.html?hp&ex=1151553600&en=815033efe8ce8f91&ei=5094&partner=homepage] New York Times article on new tactis to fight malaria, June 28th 2006]
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