Ernstalbrecht Stiebler

Ernstalbrecht Stiebler

Ernstalbrecht Stiebler (b. March 29, 1934 in Berlin) is a German composer of mostly chamber, choral, piano, and organ works ( [] ). His work has "three principal concerns: sonority, rhythm, and duration" leading "to a large and varied body of work" ( [] ).

Stiebler studied composition and piano at the Musikhochschule Hamburg, but had more important lessons at Darmstadt between 1958 and 1961, including studies with Karlheinz Stockhausen in 1959 (ibid).


* [ Ernstalbrecht Stiebler at the Living Composers Project]
*Jurek, Thom. [ "Three in One"] , Allmusic.

External links

* [ Tre Media Musikverlage Karlsruhe: Ernstalbrecht Stiebler] in German

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