

Animus may stand for:


*Anima and animus, Carl Jung's school of analytical psychology, both one's "true self" as well as the masculine side of a female's unconscious mind; contrasted with "anima" for males.Carl Jung believed that we each have within us both male and female qualitites, which together comprise the totality of who we are. The animus is the archetype in a woman that represents her male alter ego. It is the personification of the masculine qualities in a woman's psyche. These qualities may include rationality, authority, objectivity, initiative, courage, conviction, action, aggression, and brutality. The animus has been described as producing opinions, in contrast with the anima, which produces moods.


*Animus, a Greek music band
*Animus, an American music group
* "Animus", a track on the album "Music of the Spheres" by Mike Oldfield.


*The fictional character in Etheria, see Animus (Encantadia)
*Animus, a character from the "Doctor Who" serial "The Web Planet".
*, the god-like Megazord from "Power Rangers Wild Force".

In the anime FLCL (fooly cooly)the main caracter turns into animus the ultimate meta-mechanical creation after being "eaten" by first meta-mechanicle robot spawned from his head.


*In the "Dungeons and Dragons" "World of Greyhawk" campaign setting, an Animus is a human that was transformed into a powerful undead creature.
*The Animus, a device in the video game "Assassin's Creed" which allows the retrieval of genetic memory, making the user able to relive events in the past through the perspective of their ancestors.
*In "Legendary" you can siphon Animus Vitae from dead creatures, and use it to heal your self, and perform Animus blasts.


*In law, an intent to do harm to another

References: The Art of Dream Interpretation - A Guide to Using the Dream Symbol Cards by Belinda Recio and Eileen London. Word for word of the Animus card.

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  • animus — an·i·mus / a nə məs/ n [Latin, mind, soul]: intent discriminatory animus compare mens rea Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996 …   Law dictionary

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  • animus — ànimus m DEFINICIJA 1. duševno raspoloženje, sklonost ka čemu; oduševljenje, volja 2. pravn. namjera obavljanja određene pravne radnje što ima za rezultat određenu pravnu posljedicu 3. psih. prema G. C. Jungu »načelo muškosti«, posebno oblik… …   Hrvatski jezični portal

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