Quentin Reynolds

Quentin Reynolds

Quentin James Reynolds (born April 11 1902, New York City – died March 17 1965, San Francisco, California) was a journalist and World War II war correspondent.

As associate editor at Collier's Weekly from 1933 to 1945, Reynolds averaged twenty articles a year. He also published twenty-five books, including "The Wounded Don’t Cry", "London Diary", "Dress Rehearsal", and "Courtroom", a biography of lawyer Samuel Leibowitz. He also published an autobiography, "By Quentin Reynolds".

After World War II, Reynolds was best known for his libel suit against right-wing Hearst columnist Westbrook Pegler, who called him "yellow" and an "absentee war correspondent". Reynolds, represented by noted attorney Louis Nizer, won $175,001, at the time the largest libel judgment ever. The trial was later made into a Broadway play, "A Case of Libel", which was twice adapted as TV movies.

In 1953, Reynolds was the victim of a major literary hoax when he published "The Man Who Wouldn’t Talk", the supposedly true story of a Canadian war hero who claimed to have been captured and tortured by German soldiers. When the hoax was exposed, Random House, Reynolds' publisher, reclassified the book as a novel.Fact|date=March 2008

Other books

* "The Curtain Rises", Cassell and Company, 1944
* "Don't Think It Hasn't Been Fun"
* "Only the Stars are Neutral", Blue Ribbon Books, 1943

ee also

*"Reynolds v. Pegler"

External links

* [http://www.transpacificradio.com/2007/03/25/neoc3/ "Nazi Eyes On Canada" (1942)] CBC Radio series starring Quentin Reynolds

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