

Ikando is a small non-governmental organisation (NGO) arranging placements for volunteers who want to help in various development projects in Ghana. It was set up by Laura Daly in 2004. They recruit volunteers and interns for a wide variety of organisations in Ghana. Placements include an Architecture Bureau, a Microfinance Development Organisation, a Human Rights & Education Centre, a centre for Street Children, the Cape Coast School or the Deaf and the [http://www.fcaghana.org Foundation for Contemporary Arts.]
[http://www.africavolunteer.co.uk Africa Volunteer] and [http://www.africaintern.co.uk Africa Intern] are [http://www.ikando.org Ikando] projects.

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  • įkąsti — 1. intr., tr. SD379 dantimis įkirsti, įgriebti, sužeisti: Šuo koją įkando K. Man šuo į blauzdą įkando Als. Kad da neįkando, tai ir tylėk Ds. Norėjo inkąst jį vienas šunis Zt. Sena boba be dantų, neįkanda riešutų Mrj. Netrauk šunies už uodegą, nes …   Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language

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  • Volunteer — A volunteer is someone who works for a community or for the benefit of environment primarily because they choose to do so. The word comes from Latin, and can be translated as will (as in doing something out of ones own free will). Many serve… …   Wikipedia

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