Face 2 Face

Face 2 Face

Infobox Album |
Name = Face 2 Face
Type = Album
Artist = 2Face Idibia

Released = 2004
Genre = R&B
Length = 39:43
Label = Kennis Music
Producer = Kenny Ogungbe
Last album =
This album = "Face 2 Face"
Next album = "Grass 2 Grace"
Misc =

"Face 2 Face" is a 2004 album by 2Face Idibia. It became a major hit (sold up to 2 million copies)Fact|date=July 2007, initially in Idibia's home country of Nigeria, but quickly spreading through western and southern Africa, and eventually making an impact in Europe as well. Its success owed much to lead radio track "African Queen", a guitar ballad with elements of West African folk music and hip-hop. "Nfana Ibaga" also became a local hit.

Track listing

*Nigerian edition
# "Intro" – 1:06
# "Nfana Ibaga (No Problem)" – 4:24
# "Ole (Thief)" ft. Freestyle – 4:49
# "Right Here" – 4:46
# "Holy (Skit)" – 0:15
# "U No Holy Pass" – 4:54
# "African Queen" – 4:20
# "Police (Skit)" – 0:24
# "Keep On Rockin'" ft. Natives & Lil Seal – 5:43
# "Thank U Lord" – 4:25
# "Odi Ya" ft. Blackface – 4:37

*South African editionReleased on January 27 2006 through EMI.

:12. "Right Here (MKD Remix)":13. "U No Holy Pass (MKD Remix)":14. "African Queen (MKD Remix)":15. "Keep On Rockin' (MKD Remix)" ft. Natives & Lil Seal:16. "Nfana Ibaga (No Problem)" ft. Beenie Man & Reggie Rockstone :17. "African Queen (Jazz Version)" ft. Kumle

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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