Kevin M. Quinley

Kevin M. Quinley

Kevin M. Quinley (born 4 September 1954) is an authority on insurance liability claim practices, adjuster productivity and litigation management.

Quinley earned a B.A. at Wake Forest University and an M.A. in Government from the College of William & Mary. From 1977 to 1986, he worked for Crawford & Company. In mid-1986, he joined Medmarc Insurance Group as its first claims manager. He was named Vice President of Claims in 1989 and Senior Vice President in 1996. Quinley is the author of numerous articles and books on insurance claims, risk management and litigation management. He left Medmarc Insurance Group in 2008 to pursue other interests.

In the Spring of 2008, he became the Vice President, Advisory Board of the newly formed Council on Litigation Management ( Quinley also serves as an expert witness on issues pertaining to claim practices and good/bad faith claims-handling. A prolific freelance writer on business topics, he has authored over 600 published articles and ten books on various aspects of insurance, claims, litigation and risk management. In addition, he is a frequent speaker at claim, risk management and legal conferences. He is married to Jane, has two sons, and lives in the Washington D.C. area.

Awards and memberships

* Former President of Washington D.C. Chapter of CPCU
* Named a "Standard Setter" by the Society of CPCU.
* CPCU designation (Chartered Property and Casualty Underwriter)
* Designations in Risk Management (ARM) Claims (AIC), Management (AIM) and Reinsurance (ARe).

Published works


# cite book | last = Quinley | first = Kevin M. | authorlink = | coauthors = | editor =
others = | title = Well Adjusted: 185 Success Tips for the Adjuster's Career | origdate = | origyear = | origmonth = | url = | format = | accessdate = | accessyear =
accessmonth = | edition = | date = | year = 2001 | month = July | publisher = National Underwriter Company | location = | language = | id = ISBN 0-87218-392-0 | pages = | chapter = | chapterurl = | quote =

# cite book | last = Quinley | first = Kevin M. | authorlink = | coauthors = | editor = | others = | title = Bulletproofing Your Medical Practice: Risk Management Techniques For Physicians That Work | origdate = | origyear = | origmonth = | url = | format = | accessdate = | accessyear = | accessmonth = | edition = | date = | year = 2000 | month = September | publisher = SEAK Inc | location = | language = | id = ISBN 1-892904-14-4 | pages =
chapter = | chapterurl = | quote =

# cite book | last = Quinley | first = Kevin M. | authorlink = | coauthors = | year = 1992
month = July | title = The Quality Plan: Practical Advice to Keep Claims Clients Coming Back | publisher = National Underwriter Company | location = | id = ISBN 0-9634957-0-4

# cite book | last = Quinley | first = Kevin M. | authorlink = | coauthors = | month = July
year = 2000 | title = Time Management for Claims Professionals | publisher = National Underwriter Company | location = | id = ISBN 0-9634957-1-2


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