

The family name Snodgrass is said to originate from lands in the parish of Irvine, Ayrshire, known as Snodgrasse, or Snodgers, which were rented out in plots. Both forms are recorded in Ayrshire and in Glasgow between the 13th and 16th centuries.It has been said that the name means "smooth grass", and is from Snodgrass Village.The earliest record seen of the name is in the late 17th century in Scottish records.

The first records of the family in the new world are in the early 18th century in Virginia. The Virginia town of Hedgesville (now West Virginia) was founded by William Snodgrass, who arrived in the American colonies in 1700. William Snodgrass is buried in the cemetery of Tuscarora Presbyterian Church in Berkeley County, West Virginia. Closer examination reveals a wave of immigrants from Scotland during the Highland Clearances, Highland Potato Famine (1846 - 1857), Lowland Clearances, and increasing family sizes probably prompted many Snodgrass to leave when the land could no longer support all of them.

From Pennsylvania and other ports-of-entry, they have spread across the North American continent and today there is in excess of 6000 Snodgrass families in the United States and Canada.

nodgrass Clan

The [ Snodgrass Clan] History

In April 1979, a Certificate of Incorporation was granted to the Snodgrass Clan Inc. by the state of Indiana.This was brought about by Scott F. Hosier Jr. and Laurence E. Snodgrass. Through Hosier's efforts a "grant of arms" was granted to the Clan on March 15, 1984 by the Chief Herald of Ireland; however, the petition to be granted a "grant of arms" by Scotland was never finalized.

In 1979, Hosier ordered and received the first order of the official Snodgrass tartan. The weave code for the Snodgrass tartan is K..R.Y.B.G.B.R.Y.... 6..2..2.. Source: Dgn. T.S. Davidson

The Snodgrass Clan website is located [ here]

People named Snodgrass

Snodgrass as a surname, may refer to
*Anthony Snodgrass (1934-), archaeologist
*Artimus Snodgrass, character in the film The Sasquatch Dumpling Gang
*Augustus Snodgrass, Dickens' character
*Brent Lee Snodgrass (1968-), Author, Co-Author of Finland At War, Firearms researcher
*Carrie Snodgrass, (1946-2004), American actress, Academy Award nominee
*Clifford Snodgrass, (1951-1994), Engineer
*Dale Snodgrass, (1949-), Pilot
*Donald Ray Snodgrass (1935-), author
*Fred Snodgrass (1887 - 1974) was an American baseball player
*Harry Snodgrass (1963-) is a Sound Designer for Film and Television
*James Snodgrass, artist and contestant on the Twenty One game show, see Quiz show scandals
*James Snodgrass, (1978-) photographer and web developer
*Joan Gay Snodgrass, (1934-), American author
*John Michael Owen Snodgrass, (1928-), Ambassador
*Jon Snodgrass, (1941-), Panamanian author
*Klyne Snodgrass, professor, theologian, author, alumni of North Park Theological Seminary
*Louise Virginia Snodgrass, (1942-), American legislator
*Lynn Snodgrass, Oregon Speaker of the House
*Mark A. Snodgrass, (1964-), American legislator
*Mary Ellen Snodgrass, (1944-), American author
*Melinda M. Snodgrass, screenwriter of The High Ground (TNG episode)
*Milton Moore Snodgrass, (1931-), American author
*Robert Evans Snodgrass, entomologist
*Tonya Snodgrass, Miss Missouri USA 1992
*William De Witt Snodgrass (1926 - ), Poet
*William R. Snodgrass (1922-2008), Tennessee Comptroller of the Treasury (1955-1999)

Places named Snodgrass

*Snodgrass Lagoon on Waterloo Creek, site of the Waterloo Creek massacre in 1838
*Snodgrass Hill, site of the Battle of Chickamauga, September 20, 1863
*Snodgrass Village, on Garnock River, near Irvine, Ayrshire, Scotland. (Name means "Smooth Grassy Place" in Scots gaelic) Seen on British Artillery Map of 1775 as published by Ardrossan Historical Society, Ardrossan, Scotland. Originally part of the lowland Brythonic Celt kingdom of Strathclyde.
*Snodgrass Planet: Free Earth, An imaginary construct created in January 2008 by James T.B. Snodgrass when he declared Independence for everybody on Earth in the name of Freedom.

Things named Snodgrass

"The Deadly Mission of P. Snodgrass", short story by Frederik Pohl, published in the collection "Day Million"

"Are You a Snodgrass?", poem by Ogden Nash

Vera Snodgrass, grade one teacher in the Canadian comic strip "The Mice Squad"

"The Thomas Jefferson Snodgrass Letters" Written by Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain)

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