Spin chemistry

Spin chemistry

Spin Chemistry is a sub-field of chemistry and physics, positioned at the intersection of chemical kinetics, photochemistry, magnetic resonance and free radical chemistry, and dealing with magnetic and spin effects in chemical reactions. The examples of phenomena that Spin Chemistry deals with are Chemically Induced Dynamic Nuclear and Electron Polarization (CIDNP and CIDEP), magnetic isotope effects in chemical reactions, as well as the environmental and health effects of static and oscillating electromagnetic fields.

Some of the prominent scientists in the field (in alphabetical order) are:

E. G. Bagryanskaya (Novosibirsk, Russia), K.-P. Dinse (Darmstadt, Germany), S. A. Dzuba (Novosibirsk, Russia), M. D. E. Forbes (Chapel Hill, USA), P. Gast (Leiden, Netherlands),P. J. Hore (Oxford, UK), G. Jeschke (Mainz, Germany), R. Kaptein (Utrecht, Netherlands), C. W. M. Kay (Berlin, Germany), K. Möbius (Berlin, Germany), Yu. N. Molin (Novosibirsk, Russia), J. R. Norris (Chicago, USA), R. Z. Sagdeev (Novosibirsk, Russia), K. M. Salikhov (Kazan, Russia), U. Steiner (Konstanz, Germany), S. Tero-Kubota (Sendai, Japan), C. R. Timmel (Oxford, UK),A. J. van der Est (St. Catharines, Canada) H.-M. Vieth (Berlin, Germany), S. Weber (Berlin, Germany).

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