Inaara Aga Khan

Inaara Aga Khan

The Begum Aga Khan LL.D, ("Begum Inaara Aga Khan" or "Princess Inaara Aga Khan"), (née Gabriele Homey), (born April 1, 1963 in Frankfurt am Main) is the current Begum Aga Khan, the wife of the Aga Khan IV, (49th) Imam of the Nizari branch of the Shia Imami Ismaili Muslims.


The Begum Aga Khan is the daughter of a family of successful German entrepreneurs, Renate Thyssen-Henne and Helmut Friedhelm Homey. Later, she adopted the "Thyssen" name from her stepfather Dr. Bodo Thyssen (descendant of the Thyssen dynasty).

After attending the Schloss Salem School on Lake Constance and the École des Roches in Normandy, the Begum read jurisprudence at the Universities of Munich and Cologne. She graduated magna cum laude with a doctorate in International Law in 1990 after completing her thesis on German-American commercial law.

The Begum’s early career included working, whilst still at university, in the management of her mother’s company (at the time Austria’s largest hotel and restaurant chain) and later for one of the most prominent German commercial law firms of the time. Dr. Gabriele Thyssen married Prince Karl Emich of Leiningen in 1991 in Venice, Italy. After interrupting her career prior to the birth of her daughter, HSH Princess Theresa of Leiningen, who is 112th in line to the throne of the United Kingdom, in April 1992, she became a consultant for UNESCO in Paris, advising on the promotion of equality and improved conditions for women. The marriage between Prince Karl Emich of Leiningen and Princess Gabriele of Leiningen was dissolved early in 1998.

In May 1998, Princess Gabriele zu Leiningen married Prince Karim Aga Khan (Aga Khan IV), the 49th hereditary Imam of the Shia Ismaili Muslims and became the Begum Aga Khan. Prior to her marriage to the Aga Khan IV and her conversion to Islam, the couple jointly chose the Muslim name "Inaara" (derived from the Arabic nur, meaning "light") for the bride. Their son, Prince Aly Muhammad Aga Khan, was born in March 2000. On the 8th October, 2004, an announcement was made that the Begum and the Aga Khan were to seek a divorce. In fact, the couple presently live separated although still married.

Charitable activities

Since 1999, the Begum has been supporting micro-loans and third world development projects through the German foundation Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe ( [ UP foundation] ). The foundation funds micro-loans to families and single parents to promote self reliance and to end the vicious circle of poverty in developing countries, which include Cambodia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Montenegro, Pakistan, Romania, Thailand and Vietnam.

The Begum has committed time to charitable causes; in particular those involving women’s rights, educational projects and the improvement of opportunities and living conditions for people of all faiths and origins in developing countries. In January of 2002, the Begum became the Honorary President of Focus Humanitarian Assistance ( [ FOCUS] ), the crisis response agency that is an affiliate of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) and which provides relief and support services during and following natural and man-made disasters, primarily in Asia and Africa. In this capacity, the Begum supported a number of projects for the repatriation of Afghan refugees to their homeland and rebuilding civil society in Afghanistan.

In addition the Begum continued to contribute to numerous UNESCO projects, particularly in the area of welfare for women and children, for example UNESCO's " [ Passport for Equality] " project. Amongst others, she accepted the patronage of the [ Innocence in Danger] Gala event for 2003 in Berlin in order to help victims of child sexual abuse.

Together with her mother Renate Thyssen-Henne and her stepfather Ernst-Theodor Henne, the Princess founded in 2003 the German aid organization " [ SOS Projects for People and Animals] " to help mentally-ill, handicapped and traumatized children with the support of animals, particularly dogs, to bring fun and joy into the children’s lives, and to overcome their pain and suffering.

Since 2004 the Begum has become intensively involved in the fight against the HIV/AIDS epidemic and supports the [ German AIDS Foundation] .

In order to respond in a more effective way to the above mentioned humanitarian programmes the Begum founded an umbrella organization, The " [ Princess Inaara Foundation] , in 2004. The purpose of the foundation is to provide philanthropic assistance to the causes and charitable organizations whose work represents the humanitarian goals that the Begum has long supported.

The Begum’s motto is: “Charity begins in the family”. Being raised in a warm and caring environment, the Begum and her brother, Joachim Thyssen, learned from their mother the values of commitment, courage, fair play and the need to help and protect those who are less fortunate and weak. The Princess and her mother are very close and the Princess regards her as best friend and role model.

One of the Begum's hobbies is music and singing. During her first years of studies at the LMU University in Munich, she recorded several songs. She enjoys singing now and then for her children, friends and on special occasions.

Awards and recognition

In September, 2006, the Begum Aga Khan was awarded "Reminders Day" award for her commitment, dedication and relentless effort in the fight against HIV and AIDS. The award was presented to her at Berlin's red-brick City Hall by Mayor Klaus Wowereit during the [ "Reminders Day" ceremony] .

In January, 2007, [ The Begum was named the "No.1" person of German Society according to the German magazine "Gala"] . Gala wrote "Whereas other women, following separation from their influential husbands, often disappear from society without a trace, Her Highness has catapulted from last year’s 19th position to first position. She has maintained her commitment to charitable work and stylish appearance and not said a single unkind word about her husband, the Aga Khan"

Names and titles from birth

*Gabriele Renate Thyssen
*Dr. jur. Gabriele Thyssen
*"Her Serene Highness" Princess Gabriele of Leiningen
*Gabriele Prinzessin zu Leiningen
*"Her Highness" the Begum Aga Khan


By Prince Karl Emich of Leiningen;
HSH Princess Theresa of Leiningen (b. April 26 1992)

By Prince Karim Aga Khan (Aga Khan IV);
* Prince Aly Muhammad Aga Khan (b. March 7, 2000)

See also

*Aga Khan IV
*Princess Inaara Foundation
*Alumni of Schule Schloss Salem
*Shia Islam

External links

* [ Princess Inaara Foundation]
* [ Princess Inaara Foundation (French)]
* [ Princess Inaara Foundation (German)]
* [ Begum Aga Khan]
* [ Interview with the Begum Aga Khan]
* [ The Wedding of the Aga Khan and the Begum Aga Khan]
* [ Wedding Photos of the Begum and the Aga Khan]
* [ Begum Aga Khan at the opening ceremony of Centro Ismaili in Lisbon, Portugal]
* [ The Begum Aga Khan at Aga Khan Awards]
* [ The Begum and the Aga Khan attend King Hussein of Jordan's funeral]
* [ The Begum Aga Khan join Madame Mubarak of Egypt in visit to Red Crescent Society Headquarters and inspect urban social projects in Cairo]
* [ The Birth of Prince Aly Muhammad Aga Khan]
* [ The Begum Aga Khan IV host the award ceremony for UNESCO]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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