Edward Togo Salmon

Edward Togo Salmon

Edward Togo Salmon (also known as E. T. Salmon, 1905, London, England – 1988) was a prominent ancient historian of the twentieth century.

Salmon was born in London, England, and educated at the University of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, where he obtained his B. A. degree in Classics and English. He would go on to the University of Cambridge, where he received his M.A. and Ph.D., to be followed by postgraduate studies in Italy. Salmon, who was named after Admiral Togo who sank the Russian Fleet in 1905, is best known for his academic career at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, where he taught for 43 years beginning in 1930. He held the posts of Chair of the Department of History and Messecar Professor of History at McMaster, as well as the first Principal of University College and Academic Vice-President.

He is perhaps best known for his work on the Samnites and the Romanization of Italy.

He was for quite some time the news commentator on station CKOC.

elected Bibliography

* "A history of the Roman world from 30 B.C. to A.D. 138" (1944; rev. ed 1963, 1968)
* "Samnium and the Samnites" (1967)
* "Roman colonization under the Republic" (1970)
* "Polis and imperium : studies in honour of Edward Togo Salmon" (1974)
* "The nemesis of empire" (1974)
* "The making of Roman Italy" (1982)


[http://www.empireclubfoundation.com/details.asp?FT=yes&SpeechID=1022 The Making Of The Peace, 17 Apr 1947 (speech)]

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