

Infobox Town AT
image_coa = Wappen at ferlach.png

state = Carinthia
regbzk =
district = Klagenfurt-Land
population =7404
population_as_of = 2005
population_ref =
pop_dens = 63
area = 117.25
elevation = 466
postal_code = 9170
area_code =04227
mayor = Ingo Appé (SPÖ)
website = [http://www.ferlach.at www.ferlach.at]

Ferlach ( _sl. Borovlje) is the southernmost town in Austria, about 17 km south of the Carinthian capital Klagenfurt. It is situated in the "Rosental"/"Rož" valley of the Drava river, at the northern slope of the Karawanken mountain range. The commune consists of the Katastralgemeinden: Ferlach ("Borovlje"), Kappel an der Drau ("Kapla ob Dravi"), Kirschentheuer ("Kožentavra"), Unterloibl ("Podljublj"), Waidisch ("Bajdiše"), Unterferlach ("Medborovnica"), Glainach ("Glinje"), Seidolach ("Ždovlje") and Windisch Bleiberg ("Slovenji Plajberg"). According to the 2001 census 8,3% of the population are Carinthian Slovenes.Ferlach was first mentioned as "Vörelach" in a 1246 deed, named after the "Föhre" (pine) tree, "bor" in Slovene. An ironworks and forging site since the 15th century, Ferlach was known for its firearms manufacturers, the main armorer of the Habsburg Monarchy. Ferlach received town privileges in 1930 and today is a centre for the production of rifles used for hunting purposes. The history of the town is depicted in its coat of arms: it features a pine tree with a cone, two crossed silver nails and a rifle.


Seats in the municipal assembly ("Gemeinderat") as of 2003 elections:
*Social Democratic Party of Austria: 15
*Freedom Party of Austria: 6
*Austrian People's Party: 4
*Enotna lista/Volilna skupnost: 2


Ferlach lies at the junction of the Bundesstraße "B85 Rosental Straße" with "B91 Loiblpass Straße" (European route E652), running from Klagenfurt to the Loiblpass and Slovenia. The Ferlach railway line went out of service in 1951.

Notable people

*Wolfgang Petritsch, diplomat, honorary citizen

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