Carlos Blanco

Carlos Blanco

Carlos Blanco (born in Coslada, Madrid, on March 7, 1986) is a Spanish Egyptologist and philosopher, known for his collaboration as a child prodigy on television and radio programs distributed in Spain, Egypt, and South America.He has published "Mentes maravillosas que cambiaron la Humanidad" and an essay on Copernicus.


Carlos Blanco began to speak when he was seven months old and by age two he learned to read. Interested in Science and Politics since an early age, at eight he started to learn ancient languages, studying on his own Egyptian and Sumerian. He attended local state school, "C.P. Pablo Neruda". In 1997, when he was eleven years old, he was admitted to the "Spanish Association of Egyptology".

In May 1998, after getting the highest mark in the official course on Egyptian hieroglyphs, he was reckoned by the Spanish national newspaper El Mundo as the youngest Egyptologist in Europe and the youngest hieroglyphs decipherer in the world, and by age 12 he was named honorary member of the "Clos Archaeological Foundation" (Barcelona), giving his first lectures at the Egyptian Museum of Barcelona and publishing his first papers on Egyptology. In the same year, he was invited to visit Egypt by the Egyptian Government and he was awarded a scholarship to study Arabic at the "Egyptian Institute of Islamic Studies" (Madrid), where he took two years on this language. He was simultaneously engaged with English, French, German, Arabic, Hebrew, Egyptian, Latin and Minoan (writing a paper on the decipherment of the Phaistos Disk in 1998), which made of him a celebrated polyglot in his country.

In 1999, when he was 13 years old, he became very popular in Spain for his interventions at "Crónicas Marcianas", one of the leading TV programs of the moment, where under the label of "superdotado" (in Spanish, name referring to highly gifted children) he spoke every week about science, philosophy, history and politics. He was particularly well known for his public dissertations on Egyptian hieroglyphs and ancient science. He was invited for a second time to Egypt, where he was interviewed in Good Evening, Egypt, and he went to Argentina, where he was interviewed by the journalist SamuelChicheGelblung in Buenos Aires.

In 2000, the Karim Rida Said Foundation appointed him to study at Westminster School, London, where he was interested in Russian, Chinese and Greek. In 2001, being 15, he was awarded a new scholarship to attend lessons at the University of Navarra (Spain), and he pursued a course in Coptic language with the scholar G. Aranda. He took three Master's Degrees ("licenciaturas") at the same time: Philosophy (MA with honours; June, 2006), Chemistry (MS; June, 2007) and Theology (MA; June, 2007), continuing his studies on Russian and Chinese language. Blanco is a member of the "International Association of Egyptologists", the Spanish Leibniz Society and the "Asociación Española de Superdotados y con Talento".


*“Disco de Phaistos: Investigaciones para una traducción bajo un punto de vista gramático e histórico” (Coslada, diciembre de 1998; registro de la propiedad intellectual 80716, 16/02/99).
* [ El nacimiento de la civilización egipcia (Coslada, 1999)]
* [ "Estudio comparativo entre el desciframiento de las escrituras jeroglíficas egipcia y maya”, lecture read at the Egyptian Museum of Barcelona (September, 2001)]
* [ Éxodo: aspectos literarios, arqueológicos y teológicos” (Coslada, diciembre 2003; Estudios Bíblicos vol. LXII, cuad. 3).]
*“Leibniz y la teoría de la relaciónThémata n. 34, 2005.
* [ concepto de creación en la teología menfita” (Coslada, 2005)]

External links

* [ El Mundo, 17-V-1998, Madrid, 24: "Un niño de 12 años de Coslada, el egiptólogo más joven de Europa"]
* [ "La vuelta al mundo del niño egiptólogo", El Mundo, 24-V-1998]
* [ International Association of Egyptologists]
* [ Interview for La Vanguardia, September 1999]
* [ "La Vanguardia" 1999]
* [ Interview for El Pais]

* [ Crónicas Marcianas]
* [ TV interview for "Buenafuente"]

[ Carlos Blanco's website]

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