

Wiśniowiecki ( _uk. Вишневе́цький _lt. Višnioveckiai|}) is the name of a family notable in the history of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. They were powerful magnates in Ruthenia of Gediminids descent, Kniaz (prince) actually, in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, with vast possessions in the 16th to 18th centuries on the territories of today's Ukraine, particularly the town of Vyshnivets. The ancestor of the family was Duke Kaributas (Ruthenian: "Dymitr Korybut"), a son of the Grand Duke of Lithuania, Algirdas. His son Fedor of Nesvizh started the family.

Likely the most notable members of this family were Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki, king of Poland and Grand Duke of Lithuania from 1669 to 1673, and his father Jeremi Wiśniowiecki.

Notable family members

* Dmytro Vyshnevetsky (first Ataman of the Ukrainian Cossacks, Hetman of the Registered Cossacks).
*Janusz Wiśniowiecki (Master of the Stables of the Crown.)
*Dymitr Jerzy Wiśniowiecki (Great Guard and Hetman of the Crown, voivode of Belz and Kraków)
*Janusz Antoni Wisniowiecki
*Jeremi Wiśniowiecki (Prince at Wiśniowiec, Łubny and Chorol, Palatine of Ruthenia.)
*Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki (King of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 1669-1673.)
*Michał Serwacy Wiśniowiecki (Hetman, Castellan and Voivode of Vilnius, Great Chancellor of Lithuania)

ee also

* Wiśniowiec
* Lithuanian nobility
* Kings of Poland
* szlachta

External links

* [http://genealogy.euweb.cz/poland/wisniow.html Geneaology of Wiśniowiecki-Zbaraski family.] pl icon
* [http://www.castles.com.ua/index.php?id=vis Pictures of Wiśniowiec castle.] (in Ukrainian)

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