FUMO is an Open Mobile Alliance specification for updating the firmware of mobile devices over the air.

FUMO stands for Firmware Update Management Object.

FUMO allows mobile operators to update mobile devices across network infrastructure without requiring consumers or network engineers to initiate upgrades through direct contact.

FUMO allows mobile devices to be updated over-the-air using the industry-standard protocol OMA DM. It enables operators and device manufacturers to perform updates over-the-air ranging from the simple ones (e.g.:security patch) to the most complex (e.g.: important parts of the operating system).

OMA DM/FUMO is an industry standard which allows updates to be installed over-the-air using a device-independent and cross-platform protocol.

ee also

* OTA Over-the-air programming
* OMA DM OMA Device Management
* SCOMO Software Component Management Object
* FOTA Firmware Over-the-Air

External links

* OMA [http://www.openmobilealliance.org/Technical/DM.aspx Device Management Working Group] and OMA Release Program and [http://www.openmobilealliance.org/Technical/PublicMaterial.aspx Specifications]

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