Information Module Profile

Information Module Profile

IMP stands for the Information Module Profile. It is a specification put out by Sun Microsystems for the use of Java on embedded devices with very limited displays. It is a subset of the Mobile Information Device Profile.

IMP is part of the Java ME framework.

Typical Requirements

* 128 kilobytes for the Java platform
* 8 kilobytes for persistent data
* 32 kilobytes for the Java runtime

Noteworthy Limitations

* No API for displays

General APIs

The core APIs are defined by the underlying Configuration CLDC.

Contains the Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition specific classes used for I/O operations.


Provides a form of persistent storage for Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition.


Contains the base classes for Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition applications.

External links

* [ The IMP Specification]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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